Prayables - 9 Questions God Wont Ask You - When We All Get to Heaven ...

His hands of grace touch my face,
and sculpt my heart.
I was His from the very start.
Lord, thy name is love.  

C D Swanson (c)


 God is an amazing Father who wants each and every one of us to thrive, He wants us to be happy while on earth-each filled with a purpose, the script of which was written by God, our very creator – our Lord. I pray your life is according to His “script,” and that you appreciate God for who He is “Our Fortress, our Rock, our Shield, our strength, our Provider, our Nurturer, our Savior, our King of kings, Author of Salvation,  our everything,” and the One who loves us so much, that He gave His only begotten Son so that we may find eternal life. (John 3:16)

Praise You LORD!


Take…the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God –
 Ephesians 6:17 


I am the good shepherd:
the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep-
John 10:11 











  1. Beatrice G says:


    Good morning Camille.

    I just love reading comments you receive from people
    who love you.

    My comment to you is, what a surprise when I met my Cousin
    Camille, daughter of my dearly beloved cousin Dom, your father. What a kind,
    caring and loving man he was. Surely our God chose Dom in a very selective manner to be the father of such a talented and loving great lady. She has taught me so much. I love her very much. Her writings to me are absolutely fantastic. Thanks be to God.

    Dom, I love you and thank you for bringing Camille into my heart. See you in heaven Dom along with the rest of the

    God bless you Cousin Camille.

    All my love,

    Cousin Bea

    • C D says:

      Sweet Cousin Bea,

      Thank you so much for your kind and loving words! Right back at you!

      I thank God for all of my blessings, and certainly my dad was one of the many joyfuls blessings I had in my life. You, are another bright blessing, and I am delighted that you’re enjoying this site the Lord has given me to exalt and Praise His name on high.

      I had the best “earth Dad” a girl could have ever had, and so many blessings along the way. Amen.

      I love you Cousin Bea, and will be in touch soon! May God keep you and hold you always.

      Blessing and Love in His precious name~

  2. Alicia Renkema says:

    Hi C.D., I love this site… It breathes your intimate love of our Lord Jesus. The pictures you choose to use, the edifying words that you write when you answer the post’s of others who write you as well as the way that you talk to God Himself. Your love for all who touch your life is a breath of fresh air. Your life is truly an example of walking by the Spirit and not the flesh. I have enjoyed getting to know you through your beautiful and inspirational writings on FW and some of the comments you have made on my pieces as well. You definitely have the gift of encouragement. I just had to write when I “clicked” and found this lovely site. I will definitely be back. I also am really drawn to the colors on this site, it is so peaceful!

    • admin says:

      Hello Alicia, Thank you so much for your kind words, you are so sweet.

      I’ve enjoyed all of your pieces on Faithwriters as well. Your gift of writing is evident in your words and style.
      God is amazing in how He chooses to use us, each one with different gifts. But, no matter what He chooses to gift us with, to Him be all the glory, honor and praise. It is to His heart we write, and when it touches others hearts, it is His spirit shining through, Praise the Lord.

      Please come by again, and I look forward to all of your future entries, and post.

      God Bless you my friend~

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