DEAR GOD: Reflecting on Your Love~





This week for many Christians marks “Holy Week” and a time of reflection, honor and thanks prior to the “Resurrection” of our LORD.  It is incomprehensible to humans to fully grasp the enormous sacrifice and humiliation and pain thrust upon Christ for our sakes.  And for His Father, to witness His Son going through this torture on earth, for US!

But nonetheless, He did and thank God for His love that saved us.

As we go through this week leading up to His Glory and His Resurrection, let’s try to meditate longer on His Word and the Gospels, and truly honor Him and thank Him and our Father.  Let’s go forward with a spring in our step knowing how much He loves us.  Let’s take on each day with confidence knowing we are saved. and finally let’s realize that there is no other that can love us the way Christ does. Amen.


“Father, thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ, and for Your sacrifices done solely to bring us to salvation through the cross and His blood, in Jesus name, Amen.”


    • C D SWANSON says:

      Yes! It must have been horrific and so difficult for our Father to witness.
      Praise Him and His love,

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