Dear God With Love~


 Psalm 23:1-2 NKJV  “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.”

"picture courtesy of GodVine.Com" All rights belong to GODVINE “..a shepherd lays down His life for His sheep


Good Morning everyone,

It was raining again when I woke up, but I smiled and looked up and thanked the Lord for another day, and said, “LORD, endue me with power from above.”

To receive the power from above to go forward and to do His work and to be led by the Spirit is what I ask each and every day.  To reach even one person is monumental to me, let alone what it equates to for our  Father in heaven.  He is overjoyed at any sheep coming home, or finding their way.

So, today going forward in your activities of daily living (ADL’s) – someone might need a smile, a word of encouragement, a gentle prod in the right direction.  In my book, “Changed from the inside out” – I mention becoming a “human compass” for any given individual that has lost their way – for whatever the reason, think of a broken compass where the needle is stuck…become someones human compass and push their needle in the right direction, until they are on the right path.  Remember God is watching, and He is our compass and our everything.

I will see you next time!   

Peace Blessings and Gods Love,

CD Swanson~                                                                                            

Luke 24:49  KJV “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.”

 Christ relayed this to His disciples that He would send the promise of the Father; which in fact was power from on high. They had to wait in Jerusalem for this event to occur. The Spirit that He would send would be the power from God. He reiterated this again on the day of his ascension into heaven.


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