My Christian Books~

Hello Everyone,
 I just wanted to say hello and show you my books that are available online and at my publishers page.  You can purchase them online at, and at, and so many other sites.
I am so happy to bring these books to you mainly because I was truly led by the Spirit to write them.  The  words flowed from me like a river-each word and each page filled with Gods’ love and touch.  It is my intention that you will feel the love I have for my Lord through my words – and feel His peace.
 "picture courtesy of GodVine.Com" All rights belong to GODVINE “..a shepherd lays down His life for His sheep.”


 Book Cover


Available on Barnes and noble  and Amazon

 Psalm 23:1-2 NKJV  “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.”

God is an amazing Father who wants each and everyone of us to thrive, He wants us to be happy while on earth-each one filled with a purpose, the script of which was written by God.  I pray your life is according to His “script” and that you appreciate God for who He is – “Our Fortress, our rock, our shield, our strength, our provider, our nurturer, our Savior, our King of Kings,  our everything, and the one who loves us so much, that he gave his “only begotten son” so that we may find eternal life.

Thank you Lord – I love you Always,

Peace Blessings and Gods’ love to you all,

CD Swanson~

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