DEAR GOD: Omnipotent Father, Here, There, Everywhere~


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So how would we define God’s Omnipotence? Perhaps a strong and helpful definition would be, that He has complete control over everything.  Everything would be the smallest details of the natural world, like the “falling of a sparrow to the ground…to the number of hairs that are upon our heads.” Matthew 6:26-30, 10:29-30.

No matter where we go, He is there with us.  Even though we can’t see Him, we ultimately know without a doubt, that He is with us.  He is in full throttle of every given situation that we face, each scenario we are encountering, and all the other little aspects of what is actually called life.

Nothing can separate us from the awesome promises of God, and unconditional love. (Romans 8:38-39) We can’t see Him, and yet we “hear Him.” (John 10:27-30) 

Knowing He is with us we can take on a confidence that we otherwise wouldn’t have, it is through His grace and love we are able to get through all we endeavor on a daily basis.  It is a gift from Him to afford us the ability to do all things through Christ Jesus.

When we are uncertain of what will happen in our specific realm of the Universe, we should be content knowing that God is Omnipotent and exalted in power, His justice and great righteousness, and he does not oppress. (Job 37:23)

He is the window of “Perfection” viewed through the lens of our eyes.

He is the “Illumination” during shadows of dark times.

He is the “One true Constant” in a world of instability.

And He is the “Greatest of All” within our prism of inferior cardboard realities, that try to tether us to infirmities, that only God can free us from.

Listen.  Watch. And feel His Magnificence, for He is all around us, and within us, no matter where we go, each and every day of our lives!

“Thank You God for being You, and loving me, and guiding me, and never leaving my side, there is none like You, and You are worthy of praise, I am Yours forever, and to You I surrender all, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



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