DEAR GOD: How Are You Today?



And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

John 17:3


We run to Him asking for help in one way or another. Whether it be a prayer for our own personal problems or needs, or that for a loved one or friend, or someone on a church prayer list.  And, of course that is what we do as faithful followers and Christians, however…do we take the time to just simply ask our LORD, “Hello Father, how are you doing today?”  

When we “know Him intimately” and have a relationship with Him, we can sit and chat with Him about anything, and He will listen. Establishing that relationship is crucial to the overall foundations of Christianity and faith.

Yet, we seldom think about God as someone we ask that question of. Still it’s a natural inclination and opening statement as we go through the course of the day, with all those we see, speak to or meet. So why not God?

He is the One who loves us the most, who is with us unconditionally every single second of our lives, during good times and bad, and yet…we are reticent to approach Him to just say, “Father, with all that’s going on in this world and all that is occurring, I wonder how are you doing Father?”

If we are aching inwardly from witnessing the direction our world is going in, and see heinous acts against humanity and ideologies that are tearing people asunder, how do you think our Father is feeling? We are feeling probably a mere tenth of what He is feeling or going through.

Yes, we know He is Omnipotent, powerful, and a Holy Supernatural Being who is God and God alone…but that’s not to say He doesn’t feel pain, anger, and sadness at what His children are going through.  He knows it all, He is our present God no matter what, and fulfills every promise He has ever made. (Psalm 139:1-4)

He is capable of turning things around, He is in control yes.  Yet, He is feeling and witnessing what is happening, not only within our family, communities, or country…He is witnessing it all over the Universe. Think about that for a moment.  Can you imagine His disappointment and ultimate sorrow at what’s transpiring in this world today?

He is never absent even when we feel He’s not responding as quickly to our requests as we think He should. Remember, His timing is perfect, His will is for our benefit, and the outcome that we can’t see coming down the road is always for the betterment of His children. Always!

He is faithful, never changing and a God of love. He has an infinite love for us and power to execute every circumstance or situation if He so wills it. He is our refuge and protector.  (Psalms 103:19)  

God’s ability is far beyond our basic grasp of comprehension. (Hebrews 4:12-13) 

All the more reason with His magnitude of responsibilities and never-ending watch over our lives, doesn’t that solidify further that we should ask about His well-being? Shouldn’t we take time to sit and “chat” with Him?

Every parent longs for his children to just ask, “Hey mom, how are you doing today?  Hey Dad, how are you doing today?  What’s going on? How are you doing?” 

All of us at various times have gone to parents for wants, needs, requests. However, I bet they were the happiest when their children merely “chatted” with them, asking only about their welfare and nothing more.

Imagine how happy our Father in Heaven is when we do likewise.  Sit, chat and say, “How are You Father? Thank You Father. I love You Father.”

Today if you haven’t done so already, take a very special moment in time to ask, “Father, how are You today?”  You will make Him smile in ways that you can’t even begin to fathom.  Try it, then go out with love in your hearts and make Him happy, in all that you do or undertake, this day and always!

“Father God, may I always be aware of Your love and promises, may I be ever mindful of walking upon the path that pleases You, may I be ever grateful for Your love and protection, and may I always be solicitous of Your needs and will for my life, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name Amen.”



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