DEAR GOD: Reality & Eternal Rewards~

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Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

James 1:12 (NASB)



Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you think, “this is unreal, I can’t believe what I’m hearing, seeing, witnessing” and kind of stood still as if you were the proverbial deer staring straight into the headlights?

Well, I’m sure quite a bit of you can relate to what I’ve just said. And we have found ourselves in circumstances, or surroundings that echo that of which I’ve just kind of described.

For example, take the “state of affairs” that is happening in our country, and in the world today.  So many things transpiring that are unknown, and unfamiliar to that which we were accustomed.  Ideologies changing as rapidly as the wind, and callous behavior blatantly displayed on social media, news, and right before our very eyes.

It seems “unreal.”  It’s as if we want to emerge from a sinking hole or pull ourselves out of an abysmal reality that clashes with our spiritual beliefs. Hardships in one form or another, finances, health, unemployment, food shortages, etc., etc.

But before you think, “wow she’s off on a gloom and doom post” — not so.  Although world affairs, country woes, or personal issues may in fact be testing our cords of faith.  The one true certain throughout this whole ordeal…is GOD.

He is the reality of our existence.  And with God we can always count on truth and personal accord of satisfaction and assurance that no matter what we endure… our LORD loves us for sure!

That is reason to rejoice irrespective of critical analysis of life in general.  It is a reason to take heed and embrace the blessings that only GOD can bring.

It is a reality and an affirmation of His love that allows us to float serenely through a raging river. It is His very love that lifts us above the cesspool of life. And it is His love that gives us insight into innocuous behavior and activities that swirl by our daily lives continuously.

Reality is knowing His promises will sustain us and provide all that we need.

Reality is knowing His Word is truth and the balm of our very souls.

Reality is knowing His love surpasses all human comprehension.

Reality is knowing His blood gave us access to Him and salvation.

Reality is knowing Jesus is the only way to the Father…and Eternal rewards.

So, while viewing things that are “hard to bear” while watching life change in a way that is dysmorphic to what we believe, and put our faith in. Realize the reality is, ” this is our temporary home.”  There is a far better place we will all return to one day. He promised, so therefore it is true.  He told us so Himself.

Until then, look to Him for all the answers, and trust that He is in control, no matter what it seems like right now.

Hold on, hang in there…because this life is fleeting, compared to the reality of Eternity.

“Father God, thank You for showing me the vision of reality which is You, Your promises and Your love. It is because of You that life, although kaleidoscopic in both good and evil, only one true certainty exists and that is You and Your love, and rewards of eternal life. May I be ever mindful and rely on You in all I do, today, tomorrow and always in Jesus’ name, Amen.” 


For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

2 Corinthians 5:1







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