DEAR GOD: Walking Solid Ground of Christ~

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According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:10-11


As followers of Christ, it’s essential to build our spiritual foundation, which in turn is vital to life, both here and in eternity. By adhering to God and submitting to His will, wisdom, and commandments, we are slowly building a ground that is secure in Christ and His values overall.

Envision if you will, a road that is treacherous and decidedly perilous as we navigate the road, we are reticent about walking upon it.  However, walking with the LORD, we are able to gain sure footing, because our foundation is built upon the LORD, thereby giving us easy access over the rough paths in which we walk.

Our invisible shield becomes “transparent” in all we endeavor, because He is with us always.  He never leaves our side, He is holding us, guiding us, and leading us all the while. His promises since the beginning of time are the same today as it was way back then.  His love and promises have NO EXPIRATION date!  It is ongoing.

Foundations can be literal and metaphorical.  Christ, naturally of course, is referring to our spiritual morality.  The foundations of this world are temporary and promises of “mankind” are not guaranteed. Ostensibly, Christ and His Word are set in stone, and His foundation is forever.

Jesus’ Foundation is the one and only secure ground upon which we can “build” and “walk.” Jesus protects us from every life-threatening storm.  The ground is never shaky or dangerous with Christ.

Knowing He is with us at all times is an inherent joy of being Christian, believing in Him and His glory, brings about a countenance of peace and wisdom, that can only come from Christ, Amen.

“Father God, it’s only because of You and Your grace, we’re able to walk safely on grounds that would otherwise be shaky, with You and Your light, the ground is solid, safe and secure, I thank You today and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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  1. PamFord Davis says:

    “Father God, it’s only because of You and Your grace, we’re able to walk safely on grounds that would otherwise be shaky, with You and Your light, the ground is solid, safe and secure, I thank You today and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

    Yes. Amen & Amen. shared on FB

    I’m often taking baby steps when i’m walking now because at my age I’m afraid I’ll fall and break bones!

    • C D SWANSON says:

      I’m right with you about “baby steps” LOL.
      But, He’s there to hold us up, should we fall, right?


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