DEAR GOD: Your Mercy & Love is Beyond Words~


 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

Colossians 3:13(KJV)


Remember “love makes the world go round” a phrase that was used frequently, way back when…but seems to be lacking today, or at least it sure seems so. I one just has to turn on TV or pick up our phones streaming with news, and we see the antithesis of love all around the world, and right here in close proximity of where we live.

What can we do to offset the destructive patterns of worldly events?

We can try to fortify ourselves with an abundance of humility, and ample helpings of forbearance and love. When we clothe ourselves with “forbearance” it truly promotes and amplifies love and acceptance.

Christ demonstrated forbearance, and His love was clearly seen by His actions, His miracles, and His going to the cross willingly for all of us. His whole mission was about love and mercy, and eternal life for those of us willing to accept Him.

For individuals to live together, there must be latitude, and love enables latitude. When we love, we forbear, and forgive and adjust to various personalities, each unique and all children of God.

Sure, there are some individuals that might get on our “nerves.” Or some people who have idiosyncrasies that might send us over the edge with frustration.  But exercising temperance, and a firm commitment to Christianity, and all it entails, we’re then able to flow with a symmetry and fierce determination, that will make the LORD smile. He will be pleased by our exhibition of “love” for one another.

When we trust Him and His Word, and adhere to His will and purpose for our lives, it makes it easier to co-exist in a world of chaotic circumstances.  It makes it easier to “understand” the confusion or lack of communication that comes knocking at our doors.

Love and forbearance, represents Christ, and His Spirit is living within those of us who accepted Him as our LORD and Savior.  Are we doing all we can to align with His commandments, and His ways?  Are you following His voice?

With Palm Sunday coming up…meditate of all that Christ is.  And when we do, we can aspire to be the Children that He intended for us to be, and remember that He died for us, defeated death, and rose again.  For us!

Wow!  There are no words to define what He has done.

Love and forbearance for one another, is a good place to begin to honor Him, and exhibit our thanks, every single day from now and always. Amen!

“Father, thank You for Your love, sacrifice, and unmerited grace, may I be all that You intend for me to be, and may I honor You all the days of my life, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”






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