DEAR GOD: Another Day Closer to Home~

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For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.

2 Corinthians 5 (NIV)


Each moment that ticks away, is a moment closer to “our Eternal home in Heaven.” Some might suggest that this is a maudlin way of thinking, however, the faithful followers know this is real, and a source of comfort.   When we are through with our flesh bodies, the LORD calls us home, and we receive our eternal rewards, it will be a time of jubilation, and exhilaration!

So, while we’re here, we ought to realize that the Spirit from within, is guiding and bringing us through, whatever it is we have to ‘go through.’

The world can be a disturbing, and noisy place more times than not, watching empty lost souls barreling through life in calamitous fashion. There is nothing more unsettling that to observe a human soul disintegrating before your eyes, I’m speaking about humanity.  And it can be disruptive to the very core...IF we take it in.

We have the Spirit within us, who defeated the world. And knowing this, we’re encouraged, filled with peace, because through Christ, we’re victorious. (1 Corinthians 15:57) 

When we take in the nuances of the world, we are stunting the growth of our Spirit.  We have to view it through spiritual eyes, and keep on with the running the race, until we enter Heaven, the ultimate goal, our permanent home.  (Hebrews 12:1)

So, no matter how it sounds, we are each second getting closer to our expiration date, but…we must push on, and continue the job of the Father, and adhere to His voice, and direction. To do so, elicits days of understanding, of tolerance and compliance with the Word, specifically aligning to “His will.”  (Matthew 7:21)

Athletes, in training, in the middle of competition keep their eyes on the prize that’s set before them. This helps them to persevere and discipline themselves to finish the race and obtain the prize. (Philippians 3:12-14 and 1 Corinthians 9:24-27).

We are spiritual athletes in training, every single day we are getting stronger, more proficient, completely and deeply entrenched in the LORD, and our growth will continue exponentially until we are called home!

So today, this very second know we’re in training, and all we do, all we say, and all we accomplish…is part of the “training” that will eventually lead us home, as faithful warriors in Christ, ready to receive our prize!

The seconds are ticking away…ultimately, it’s how we use the seconds that truly counts!

Father, guide me, lead me, direct me, touch me, heal me, as I go through the rigors of life here on earth, before I am called home to my eternal rewards, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”



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