DEAR GOD: Long Time No See?”



A friend of mine spoke in earnest about “wanting to see God” and not an “illusion” of who He is.  This friend believes, but almost like the people of old, such as the Pharisees, and Sadducees, is “wanting signs” and proof that He does exist.

This was followed by a long discussion of scripture and God overall.  The person was vehemently stating “I believe, but I never see Him. I don’t hear Him.  And I never get signs from Him…”  This went on for about an hour.

After my friend and I closed our dialogue for the day, it got me to thinking about how many others probably echo the sentiments of this individual.

People want signs from God.  So many don’t even look for a sign believing He “doesn’t exist.”

Properly interpreting any isolated verse of scripture requires an adequate understanding of its context, requiring reading, and meditation of the entire Chapter. Verse by verse, precept upon precept, ultimately brings pieces of the “puzzle” together, to form the entire picture of what God is saying.

Believing is an inward spiritual acknowledgment of who Christ is.  It is our inherent roots of Christianity, that adhere to the “Vine” branching out in truth and affirmation of Christ.

Thankfully those who do not seek a sign and believe are truly blessed as Jesus confirms in John 20:29  “Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Blessed indeed! Seeing with one’s heart and soul, is the key to truly unlocking spirituality.  To magnify the LORD in His glory, and fundamentally proclaim “He is alive in me and with me always” knowing this is true, is the pinnacle of realization of His existence and the essence of our being.

We see Him everyday, when we adhere to His commandments, and love each other, pray, meditate and honor Him all the days of our lives.

We see Him in the face of a newborn, in the sunrise and sunset, in the stars, in the formation of clouds, in the face of adversity, and in the aftermath of peace. We see Him during trials, during transitions, in family and friends, or people we encounter along the highways of life. We see Him during sickness and health. He bears us up during turbulence and guides us to the ports of safety.

We hear Him through the raucous roar of the world, we can hear His soothing voice speak verses, assuring us of His promises in the Bible.  We see His brilliant light shining through the darkness and feel His presence when we are alone.

Jesus is here. Right here!  Always has been, always will be!

So, to those who seek a sign—I say this—how about starting at the Cross?

For truly the Cross elaborates, demonstrates, and emphatically illustrates, a crystal-clear sign, and prolific message of God’s presence.

In fact, there is no need to clarify further.  Amen!


Father, I thank You for Your presence, Your love and Your promises that fill Your Holy Word, may I be ever grateful, and ever mindful of Your sacrifice, and Your Omnipotence, in all that I do, in Jesus name, Amen.”





  1. Pam Ford Davis says:

    ‘Verse by verse, precept upon precept, ultimately brings pieces of the “puzzle” together, to form the entire picture of what God is saying.’
    Brings Kay Arthur to mind, ‘Precept upon precept.’

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