DEAR GOD: Still Believe in You, Always~






This special bulletin, a shooting in a mall, several people killed.”

“This special bulletin, a house of worship was burned to the ground this pm”

“This special bulletin, a new variant of the Corona virus should be coming soon and has been showing up throughout the country.”

“This special bulletin, human trafficking is on the rise, and proliferating as we speak.”

“This special bulletin, gas prices are rising and so is food prices, and items sit on ships in California.”

“This special bulletin, Ukraine under attack….”



Dear LORD, I still believe in YOU.

I know You are in control, and You and You alone, can put a stop to all of this, but we realize it is happening for a reason.

Evil exists in the world, has always been in this world, since the beginning of time. But You defeated death!

And circumstances are being recycled in terms of wars, prejudicial actions, control and power mongering, which is apparent in the media, in the news, on our computer screens, all around us.

Pain, crying, despair…but, no matter what,  Dear Sweet LORD, You are our Rock.

Now more than ever we must SHOUT GLORY to YOU!

I believe that we will get through anything with You. as our umbrella of protection, and as our provider and supplier, of all things needed to sustain and gain, and You remain in our Midst as we pray and say,

“Hallelujah! Christ is LORD!

Hallelujah!  He is above all!

Hallelujah!  You love Your children!

Hallelujah!  You Reign Victorious!

Hallelujah!  We belong to You!

Hallelujah! We surrender all!

Amen! Amen! and Amen!

Just wanted to give the LORD a special SHOUT out to proclaim His glory, His Divine Holiness, His Eminence, and Omnipotence.  And all the people say, AMEN!

Go ahead, and shout praise to Him, that is worthy, and to Him, that is LORD.

He defeated death.

He reigns victorious.

He is in control.

And remember that no matter what is happening in the world, in our neighborhood, in our life, that GOD is always at work, and He will make good on all of His promises in the Bible. And He will never leave us, nor forsake us.  Come together brothers and sisters and cry out to the LORD and believe in Him. Praise Him and shout to Him.

Proclaim His Glory, Omnipotence, and Power.  Today and always!




“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20



“Please pray for Ukraine, may God sustain them, and bring them through this horrific dark time, in Jesus’ name, Amen!”


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