DEAR GOD: Repentance and Your Love~




From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven [is at hand.”

Matthew 4:17 NKJV


Repentance is a recognition of our sin, and a commitment about that sin, to turn from it, and applying our concerted efforts going forward, onto a fresh path, after having been remorseful, for going outside the parameters of God’s Word.

We are turning from the sin, and have a complete change of mind, and change of heart, resulting in a change of conduct and direction resulting in a new path, having been forgiven by Christ.

Faith and repentance go hand-in-in.

We must firmly and wholeheartedly believe that Christ forgives us, be truly contrite, filled with remorse over our sin, and firmly adhere to turning from it.

But being human, we may therefore “slide” back into ” familiar sins”-and once again, we are called to repent. Our conviction by the Holy Spirit, will entreat us into realizing the error of our ways.

When we confess to God, we are in agreement with His Word, and realize it’s wrong and against Him.  So, we confess, and He is faithful and just, and He will forgive. Is that it? Well, there is more to confession than acknowledging what we did.

We need to truly apply those feelings of remorse, which is truly grieving the Holy Spirit, then fully turn from it, and walk away from it. Working hard to getting whatever it is “out of your life” and going forward with a clean slate. Amen!

The sweetest joy comes through sincere repentance toward God, for the transgression of His law, and through faith in the LORD Jesus Christ, as the sinner’s Redeemer, and personal Advocate.

Let’s not forget a particularly crucial factor, concerning our repentance. It is Christ’s love that allows us to repent and brings forth the conviction to do so. Without that conviction and love, we would be in dire circumstances.

Keep in mind that God loves us, even when we sin. His unparalleled love for us is truly undeserved, but we are important to Him nonetheless, and He sincerely loves all of us, irrespective of our actions.

God’s love has a purpose, and He loves to claim sinners and change their lives, thereby culminating into a close and beautiful relationship with Him, by altering their behavior, or honing it, according to His purposes, and will in our lives. So, we can share in the eternal rewards when we are called home.

Christ died for us, and that love prompts us to follow His path, not our own. We become new creatures as we are called to love others. To love God fully and completely and love our neighbors.

God gives us the strength to turn away from sins, the opportunity to do so, and the perspective and wisdom to understand why we should.

God will never turn from His children, instead He wants us to “turn to Him” for all of our needs, through good times and bad. And most important, His hands of grace are easy and gentle, and quick to forgive.

“Father, thank You for sending the Comforter to convict us, and to bring us closer to you, and allowing us to see the error of our ways, when we sin, Your love, and forgiveness are truly a gift, may we always turn to You in all things, in Jesus name, Amen.”




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