DEAR GOD: Your Wisdom & Love is Priceless~



The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding.”

 Psalm 111:10


God’s wisdom spurs godly decisions. When we lack wisdom, our decisions ultimately will bring about circumstances that could be devastating, or shallow in terms of life overall.

There isn’t any among us who haven’t been faced with challenges, many beyond our control, just take a look around our world and country, and most of what we face are of our own making and choices.

In college we had an acronym ABC, which meant…”action, behavior, consequences.”  Which is to say, our actions promote behavior that will invariably have consequences.  And those consequences can go both ways. They can produce repercussions that can be life altering.

These actions concerning our behavior, can either be favorable ringing out truths, and wisdom of God. Or they can be insurmountable in disfavor for all parties concerned.

When we don’t surrender and acquiesce to the LORD our God, but instead seek to follow our own path and our own ways, we are then foolish.  Proverbs 1:7 states, ” The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Being equipped with the wisdom of God is a gift from God who supplies that supernatural protection all the days of our lives. His Omnipotent power is prolific and lies within all of us. The Holy Spirit is wise, kind, resolute in providing the best outcome for us at all times.

Proverbs 3:58 solidifies further that being wise in our own eyes is foolish, but instead to trust God at all times, and He will guide us, and keep us healthy as well.

Today as we handle “life” and all that it entails, whatever it may be, let’s focus on the One that can provide a sea of tranquility to allow us to sail on the stormy seas. The One who is in control, the One who loves us more than anyone or anything.  He alone can bring “our ships safely to port.”

God wants to give us His wisdom. He wants to supply all of needs, and He is standing by the ready to do so.

He is just asking “for us” to allow Him to do so.

“LORD, please provide Your wisdom in my life, may I be wise in all my decisions as I seek Your counsel daily, and may Your will be done this day and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”








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