DEAR GOD: Amazing Promise-Amazing Love~





In the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago…

Titus 1:2


We can confidently depend on our eternal King because He Himself is truth (John 14:6), and His promises are true. According to Titus 1:2, God cannot lie, and never makes a promise that He won’t keep. And He certainly has the power to keep His word, for “nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

His promises are manifest in His Being and His Word, which is to say, Jesus Christ who is the Living Word. When we are given to daily frustrations, or intermittent valleys of turbulence, we are subject to inherent emotional storms due to the circumstances. However, with His promises, and His Word, and most especially His love…we are assured guidance and a way to get “through” whatever it is we are battling.  He is the solitude of peace in which we can maneuver effortlessly, and the One who give us the ultimate strength in which we can then accomplish what it is we need to do.

His Word.

His Promises.

His Love.

As faithful followers and believers, we’re instructed many times in the Bible not to worry. Instead, “Be of good cheer, and be encouraged” for we know the LORD our God is near and will uphold us.

We are told to “be encouraged” numerous times in both OT and NT. We are told that God will never forsake us, and that He will love us through it all.

We’re encouraged by His Words, and promises, we are to seek God’s kingdom and therefore rely on Him for all of our needs. Ostensibly, the polar opposite of what the “world’s” philosophy is, which suggests we rely on “ourselves” and/or other individuals for security/wants/needs.

Rejecting the world’s ideology and seeking Him for everything, and anything, is a process of dutiful compliance to His commandments, Word, promises, and foundation of His love.

How blessed we are to know we serve a Living God that is aware of needs, and His provision in matters of all things in our Universe.

Rejoice, be exceedingly glad, and embrace Him. He provides for birds, flowers, and even more so for His beloved children.

How amazing is our God? 

How amazing that He is so in tune with His children.  He is aware of our needs and desires before we have any conscious awareness of what we ourselves are in need of.

Believe God, seek His kingdom, and rest in His peace which truly surpasses all human comprehension or understanding (Phil 4:7).

His promises are given, His Word is accurate and sustainable.  The choice then becomes yours.

Do you wish to be a part of an extended family of royalty?

Our Father, the King of kings waits patiently for your choice and   acceptance of Him, His promises, and His love.

The choice is rather obvious, wouldn’t you agree?


“Thank You for the promises which are apparent in Your Word, thank You for Your love, and grace which is in abundant supply in all our needs, and thank You for being so amazing in every way, may we always be in awe of Your Omnipotence and Sovereign power, and may we always seek Your kingdom today and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.” 


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