DEAR GOD: Wisdom of Your Word~




 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 

James 1:5

James’ message is quite clear. Trusting in the LORD’s wisdom as we journey through life, is a mainstay tool that He uses to measure and test our revered faith in Him, thereby enabling us to produce fruits of the Spirit; that is to say patience, and endurance which is essential to the growth of the Spirit.

We are to be reminded to stand unequivocally in the LORD, who bought and redeemed us with His most precious blood… and eventually honing us through our trials and tribulations, where we will emerge shiny as gold sharing in eternal rewards.

We as those of faith, wish to fulfil and finish the work that the LORD has given to us, while learning valuable lessons along life’s highway.  We will continue to prosper and grow in grace, while our knowledge will increase by the LORD, who presents this to us with His heart and mercy of love, and ultimately as a gift to His children.

When we submit and surrender to the will of the LORD, and His wisdom from above, we are solidifying the message from our Father, as He cultivates our hearts and spirit, that will remain unruffled by life’s adversities…but only if we stand strong in His word, and our belief and trust and in Christ.

There are those who have degrees in various subjects, some who even love to boast of them, unabashedly.  Now there is nothing wrong with earning degrees, after all…we need certain degrees for very important aspects in life overall.  For example, who would go to seek medical counsel from anyone other than a doctor?   And when in a hospital, the nurses holding your hand, or hovering over you caring for you, they need degrees for that correct?

However, there is none more essential to the soul, or vitally fulfilling to the heart, than receiving a degree in CHRIST and His word.

Each day is yet another day to delve into His word, His doctrine, His glory, and grasp each verse, each concept, each chapter in heights of expectation and fulfillment, in pleasing Him…and growing in our spirit.

The knowledge of His word is akin to a thousand degrees and more; the wisdom of His word, is akin to a thirst that can only be satiated by His living waters and love; to bring forth His message; is an honor that only those who are His sheep can fully comprehend.

Although I myself have made a career from the degrees that I earned in college, (sooooooooo long ago, and have since retired,) doing what I was called to do, working in the nursing home industry; there is one bit of knowledge and wisdom which supersedes my college degree, that’s the irrefutable knowledge and wisdom of His word!

Yes, that “degree” is priceless… which when coupled by an intimate relationship with our LORD, well my beloved sisters and brothers…. there are simply no words to describe the fundamental happiness of holding that precious degree in my heart! Hallelujah, praise God!


“Father, my God and King, thank You for wisdom from above, thank You for providing the tools of knowledge offering the opportunity for a degree in loving You, that will never cease, and for guiding me all the days of my life, before time began, during my time here on earth, and for future rewards of eternity with You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.

1 Corinthians 1:30

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