DEAR GOD: Happy You Love Me Now & Always~


With 2021 coming to a close, it’s a welcome relief to some that the year is behind us.  Still others, may be looking forward to 2022, to bring miraculous changes for the world, or within their own scope of life.

And others are appreciative they’re in fact able to see another year come into place, thereby giving thanks for the grace of God for that opportunity.

Or…perhaps it’s all of the above for the vast majority, but for those of faith, the equation is the same…God is in control, and how blessed we are to embrace Him, while welcoming the New Year. While ushering out the old, tattered year, there in its place, a brand-New Year of countless possibilities, and endless ways to praise God! Amen!

Through it all, as we take inventory of this past year, no matter our circumstances, it’s a good exercise to acknowledge that through it all, God was with us.

He was there in moments of loss.

He was there for boundless joy.

He was there when doubt crept into our minds over situations that we faced.

He was there when we were at our weakest.

He was there to strengthen us and our resolve.

He was there with arms open wide, with a one-of-a-kind love that supersedes any other kind of love we’ve ever known.

Think about previous issues, or circumstances we may have faced. The pandemic, the repercussions due to it.  The senseless arbitrary lines of division, resulting in many broken or shattered relationships.

Ostensibly, think about relationships that have grown closer, thereby bringing new beginnings that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.

Whatever it is that you went through, regardless of what they were…God was there the entire time, of that we can be sure.

Hold memories close in hearts.  Yet let’s prepare for new ones to fill the vacant lots in our mind, heart, body and soul. There is always “Ample space” for new treasured moments.  New friendships, new pathways or roads to navigate, new gains through loss, and new ways to honor God in every conceivable way.

However, there is one relationship that never gets old.  And that is the one we have with Jesus Christ. That connection is perpetual, infinite, unmovable, and impregnable.

It’s a relationship that will harness dark webs from our minds, and one that invariably enlightens our soul with joy.  It’s one that keeps on giving, and one that is represented by peace, and inexpressible joy.

This New Year, if you haven’t already done so, turn to the LORD of lords, and King of kings, then begin to explore a quintessential relationship like none other, and fully embrace the love of a lifetime. And it all begins by inviting Him into your heart of hearts.

Have you read His word?

Do you know Him? 

Do you have a personal relationship with Him?

A Brand-New Year is about to begin… what are you waiting for?


“Father my God, thank You for another year, thank You for giving me the gift of a new year, another season, and additional time to love and praise You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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