DEAR GOD: Giving Thanks Always~





Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

Psalm 107:1 (NKJV)



Thanksgiving for the USA is coming up this Thursday. For most, it means a warm family gathering, surrounded by a sumptuous feast. Laughter, memories of those no longer in attendance as we gaze at the empty chairs where they once would sit.  And so on and so forth.

This year, let’s give thanks to the LORD God Almighty, for who He is and what He is, today, tomorrow and always.

Those who are no longer a part of our lives, are enjoying a feast beyond our mortal comprehension.  They are seated at the Lamb’s table, after enduring the trials of life, and after doing good works, and promoting the gospel of truth.  And they are not dead, but LIVE on in Christ.

So too, will we be there one day, after our jobs are done here on earth. We too, will find our names written in the Lamb’s book of life, and we will take a seat at His table, and taste the love of Christ, for all eternity.

Let’s enjoy His Omnipotence and glorify Him in all we do, this day and always.  Giving thanks to the Living God who is with us non-stop, during the day, at night, and always.  He is there through good times, bad times, hard times, lean times.  He is with us through the plagues, and sickness, and keeps us from evil, through Christ our LORD.

What an amazing God we serve.  Not matter what we face, and no matter where we are at this particular journey in life, we know we are never alone!  Amen!

“Father God, thank You for Your light, truth, and love, I trust in You and serve You with humility and honor You all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



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