DEAR GOD: Mercy & Grace Gifts from Above~




Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;





Grace is truly one of the most important concepts expressed in the Holy Bible. It is clarified in the ultimate promises of God, that is clearly revealed in Scripture. It’s fully embodied in Jesus Christ, our LORD and Savior.

Grace is a gift from the “Father of Lights,” high above in the heavens. This love is amply shown to all of His children, irrespective of their appearance, status, or color of their skin.

The peace of God is given to all those who accept it, as it is the unmerited favor of God above.


Did you ever feel a “Tingle” from the Spirit within? Such as when something is unilaterally wrong in a certain situation or circumstance?  It is our inner core being led by the Spirit. It’s the machinations of what’s “right verses wrong.” It is the spark of light pulling and guiding us.

Ostensibly,  it can “Tingle” in a good way as well. It goes both ways, making us know that the connection is apparently from within, that whatever it is we are experiencing, is with favor from above.

This “internal” conscience is our gift from above, it is the ability to ascertain what is right from wrong. The transparency of where to “tread,” versus where we are not to “tread.”

He is constantly guiding our paths, when we trust Him, with all of our heart and soul, and lean not on our own understanding, but His alone,  He will surely guide our paths.   When we love Him, and look to Him for answers, not our “own” but His answers, and keep from evil, we will remain healthy, and safely ensconced in His Grace, and love. (Proverbs 3:5- 8)

The proliferation of His love is explosive, and resounds throughout those we meet, when we are filled with Him, and surrender to His will, and purpose in our lives while being obedient to His ways.

He is the single Being, who is the Herculean force, behind all aspects in which we exist, and ascribe to.

He is the Omnipotent Presence in our lives, and it is His love, that supersedes all else.

And you never know when that “Tingle” from within will happen. Last night while speaking to an “old acquaintance” I got the “Tingle” big time.

The individual was so contemptuous in views of the world, as it stands today, it was so chilling that my “Tingle” was vibrating.  I listened for awhile, and then carefully extricated myself from the diabolical diatribe she expressed over individuals who weren’t “complying” with the mode of thought this person believed they should.  I tell you this my brothers and sisters, it was truly evil talk.  I prayed for this person, but I’ll spare you anything further. However, one thing that was certain, “this is Spiritual warfare.”    My dear Christian friend this morning confirmed it before I said it, and my sister was the third confirmation of the word as well. Amen.

During this derisive dialogue, I was okay, because of God’s light, and promises. This grace is given to all those who follow Him, and surrender to Him, and believe in Jesus Christ.

The guarantee of His promises, and His love, make it easier for  Christians to endure the “slings and arrows” of darkness…while standing in the Light of the One and Only God Almighty, we can therefore take on anything, and everything, but only through Jesus Christ, Amen! We are victorious because of Him!

“Father, thank You for Your Grace, that is an extension of Your prolific love, and thank You for sustaining us through these horrifically dark times, it is only because of Your Love, and gift of Grace, that we are able to stand against the evil one, because You defeated the grave, and You are our Light, and strength, in all things, we give You thanks, and all the Glory in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”


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