Why is it so difficult waiting on the LORD?
Well for one thing, God lives beyond time, in an entirely different dimension. And because of that, His ability to see “perfect timing,” for every event, is outside of the realm, in which we can.
Also— He is Omnipotent and Sovereign, and He knows what’s best for us. His timing is not aligned with “our” timing.
But of course, His will and timing, is perfect, no matter what, when, where or why. Always perfect, and always “on time.”
When we wait on the LORD, although we may be impatient…we need to know that God has our best interests in mind, at all times.
In the scriptures, we are told about the benefits of waiting for our Father. We can rest in His promises, knowing He is with us, and will guide us, especially when we trust in Him, and acknowledge Him in all we do. (Proverbs 4:5-8) He will guide our paths. He promises us, and God never backs down on His promises, or His righteous and Holy Word. His word last forever. (Isaiah 40:8)
While praying and waiting. (Psalm 46:10) You must be “still and let God be God.”
Prepare your heart, learn, listen for His voice.
Stay aware of what you are doing. Praying without ceasing, and trust in Him, and His love, to get you through it.
He will “answer” and will “guide” us.
We just need to wear a “cloak of patience” and stand in our unwavering faith, knowing God will eventually “act” and give us insight, or a flashing epiphany.
God, oft times, reveals His character to us, while we wait. We can become stronger as we wait, as we listen and learn.
Also while God is being “silent” as we wait, does not mean He is being “still,” or that He is not working! Be keenly aware and watchful of “His activity” while we wait.
Listen to “His voice” as He speaks, it can be primarily through His Word. Or He uses others, or our given circumstances to “show us” the way, or provides the answers in which we seek. (Isaiah 30:20-1)
We benefit spiritually during our “waiting period.” It can be called our “gestation period” in which we form deeper roots of substance, and therefore experiencing a colossal Spiritual rebirth and growth from within to without.
So take the advice of our Father, “Be still and Know I’m God…” as we all at one time, or another, during our life circumstances, “wait” and wonder…”God are you there?”
The answer emphatically is a resounding “YES” He is! And always shall be, now and always. Amen.
“Father, thank You, for Your word, promises, and Your timing, which is always perfect and always on time. You are never late, and never far from me, I thank You for Your love, and Your will, in my life, now and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”
Always perfect, and always “on time.”
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Amen & Amen!