DEAR GOD: You Are My Vaccination Against Evil & Illness~

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He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

                                        PSALM 91:1-2 (KJV)


Did you get your vaccination? Why? When? I got mine. You should get yours. What are you waiting for? You will die without it.  Are you crazy?  Get it, now.  Why would you even think about it? What are you waiting for?


This is kind of what I’ve been hearing since the vaccination arrived in our State in January, and even months before it got here, there was avid discussions from both sides.  Those who are for it, do not want to hear from those who are going to “wait” before making the decision.

The truth is, I have some underlying conditions that might trigger responses to the vaccinations.  And quite frankly, even after getting the “okay” from doctors.  I am going to wait until early summer, before I make a “permanent decision” about getting the vaccine.  Whether I will, or whether I won’t, remains to be seen.  And that is entirely up to “me” as it well should be for each individual.

Gathering the evidence, and speaking to your health care professionals, and weighing in on the pros and cons, is your decision.

I’m not “against” vaccines per se, or those getting eagerly in line to receive it.  If that is what will give normalcy to these individuals, and protect the vulnerable population…of course that is wonderful!  And if that’s what is going to eradicate this insidious virus from our lives, according to doctors, and the individuals getting them, okay. To each their own, amen.

Personally, my feelings on the whole subject is simple.   God is my vaccination against this Virus.  I trust Him fully on my behalf, and know I am under His wings of protection.

Now. Please don’t misunderstand, or misquote me!

I know there are many who have received the vaccine, or scheduled to get vaccinated, and believe in God.  This isn’t to say I have more faith, than those who already are vaccinated.  NO!  It merely is a testimony on my behalf, that I believe in God and His protection, and that is my spirit speaking from within.  I just really trust God, completely and fully.

I don’t know what I shall do.  However at this point, we both will wait. My husband, and myself, until at least early summer, before we make a conclusive decision. We want to see how things go, and pray about it.  Then we will make the decision with God’s help.

Until then, we hide under His wings of protection, and seek solace and peace in the cleft of the Rock.

My Almighty and forever, LORD!

“To all of my brothers and sisters, no matter about the vaccine, whichever route you choose is your business, may God be with you,  through this turbulent time.  May His light shine upon you, and guide you, direct you, and heal you, in Jesus name, Amen!”


“Father God, You are my Vaccination and my truth, my light and my protection in ALL things, now and always, thank You for all You are and do, in Jesus name, Amen.”


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