DEAR GOD: Life is a Loop~





I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

Revelation 22:13



If we’re fortunate and blessed, we awaken each morning,  realizing God has granted us another day. With that new day, comes an array of duties,  we all have a routine of sorts…I call it a “Loop.”

We have a designated set of responsibilities.  Those of us who are retired, transport over to a new way of life.  Waking up a little later,  taking our time doing things, because we’re not usually subject to time constraints, as when working, or as when we were younger.

Then there are those in an “empty nest”  who find they may have more time.  Of course some may be enjoying the extra time, still others feeling saddened by the “void.”

Some have lost loved ones, and are adjusting to a different way of “living” without that individual.  The list goes on, and can be quite extensive overall.  But one thing that emerges forward, our life is a “constant Loop” for the most part.

It goes around and around and comes full circle.  And we’re all going to have some sort of “loop” in our days here on earth.  We all share things that others go through, its not uncommon what we are experiencing as God states in His word–(1 Cor. 10:13)– We all share the same temptations at times, we go through trials, we go through triumphs, and we go through losing something, or someone so very important. We lose and gain friends along the way.   Crises, illness, life, death. “Loops.”

The only discernable, and distinctive difference, is how we handle the “loops” — Those of faith know that within that “loop” is the Great I Am, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega...Our Father.

When He, is within our “loop,” there isn’t anything that we can’t handle through His Sovereignty.

There isn’t anything we can’t face through His love.

There isn’t anything we can’t accomplish through His blood.

There isn’t anything that can’t be fulfilled, through His grace and magnificence.

When you find yourself in the loop at the end of the day…look for the One constant in that circle.

Look and embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, who brings us peace and understanding, protection and security, and leads us to the green meadows and still waters.

When we do that, and embrace Him,  the “loop” we encounter, becomes an ease of circumference, that is driven by our faith, and by His love.  Amen!


“Father, thank You for Your presence in my life, morning, noon and night, You are my One constant, and the reason I’m able to get through the “loops” of life, today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”




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