DEAR GOD: “No” Means Not Yet~


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“Be still and know that I am God…”

Psalm 46:10


When God doesn’t answer our prayers, or seem to be listening to our requests, it doesn’t mean “NO” — it might mean, “not yet” or, “I love you, so I’m not letting that happen.”

As Christians, we are aware of God’s ultimate grace, and timing in all things.  His wisdom, and knowledge, far exceeds that which we can possibly understand. His untrammeled vision, sees far beyond what our human eye can.  And His enduring love for us, is deep and unfathomable.

I’m sure many of those reading this has at one time or another, prayed to the LORD, with their requests laid out, and their hearts exposed in humility for something, or someone.  As I’m sure many reading this have been impatient at one time or another, and thereby upset, that a request, or prayer went “unanswered.”  

Or so we thought!

Many times God’s silence, is a form “of love” and protection.  After all, parents know what’s best for their children, and wouldn’t meet an unreasonable request that their child was asking.

So too with the LORD.  Only it’s ten thousand times more magnified. It’s unlikely that God will grant a request that might harm us.  Or grant one that is not according to His timing. Because His timing is perfect, as He is perfect in all ways.

Don’t be discouraged, if God isn’t responding in a way that you’d expect, or would want. But instead goes silent, or in another direction. It’s for our own good.

God knows what’s best for us “years before” we even know what we want. He knows what our requests will be way before we utter them in our own minds.

He, after all, is the Creator.  He has the map of our blueprints, in His hands.

He knows what’s to be.

What’s to happen.

What is best.




Know He is God.

His love is at work for us at all times.  The Master never sleeps, and is ever present for all the moments of our life, and beyond into Eternity.

So next time you ask, “God why haven’t you answered me?”   I’d suggest you say, “Thank You” instead.  Because, He will answer, in His time, at the right time, ALL THE TIME.


“Dear God, thank You for Your unifying grace and overall love, we know that all things will come to those who wait patiently, and know that You are at work protecting and guiding us, all the days of our lives, in Jesus name, Amen.”







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