DEAR GOD: Inordinate Amount of Patience~


What is the Fruit of the Spirit and How Do I Grow It?

Self control, over one’s emotions can be challenging at times, to many individuals. However,  patience is a gift of the Holy Spirit,(Galatians 5:22) and as we develop our relationship with our loving Father, and hone in on our spirituality, we begin to notice a pattern, and a welcoming transformation in terms of our “fruits.”

When the Spirit produces patience in each of us, He is molding us to be more Christlike. 2 Thessalonians 3:5 refers and speaks of “patience of Christ.”  We should be patient, as He is patient.

Ostensibly, the opposite of patience would be agitation, lack of control, discouragement, or perhaps even a desire for making someone unhappy through selfish actions.  Our LORD does not want any of His children to live in such a manner. He wants us to cast away discouragement and in its place cultivate hope, encouragement, and praise.  We shouldn’t wish to seek revenge through hurtful actions, or lack of actions…instead love others and provide examples of Christlike behavior. (Romans 12:19, Leviticus 19:18)

As we grow in Him, we grow in all things related to His Spirit. And patience is a virtue that is most welcome in any environment. A steady hand of love, and a mindful heart, can bring about miraculous changes through Christ and His Spirit and mercy.

Next time you feel like losing your cool, harness that power from above, and ask the Holy Spirit for help.  He listens and is always available from the inside out!

“Lord thank You for Your gifts of the Spirit, may I always be ever mindful of them and Your grace and love, in Jesus name, Amen.”



  1. Joni says:

    Hi Camille – Remember me? It’s Joni – we used to correspond when I was on the Faithwriters website. Been thinking of you but couldn’t find your email address. Hope all is well. God bless your day.

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