DEAR GOD: Your Truth & Light = LIFE~



Isaiah 60:19–20 (NASB)

  “No longer will you have the sun for light by day,

Nor for brightness will the moon give you light;

But you will have the Lord for an everlasting light,

And your God for your glory.

  “Your sun will no longer set,

Nor will your moon wane;

For you will have the Lord for an everlasting light,

And the days of your mourning will be over.



Even in perilous times, and the dark of night, those of faith will always see His light.  His truth, and His ways, are impervious to darkness, and lies.  He breathes LIFE into those of faith, and therefore we LIVE, because of Him.

His light is an illumination for our souls, and for the steps we take everyday of our life, here on earth, and eventually into Eternity.

Wisdom stems from knowing Him, intimately, and from a close corroboration, of not only spreading the Gospel, but “living it,” as it were.  It is essential that we share the Word, and be a prime example to those we encounter along the way.

How can we apply the principles of a lifestyle promoting Christ with ease and assurance?  Because, let’s face it, most people whom we encounter along the way, don’t really know Christ as we do. And therefore, seemingly conjure up images of “fanatical religious freaks” when we speak about His truth, light, love and His ways.

I’ll tell you what I do should I encounter a “harsh word” or “judgement” about my faith.  I smile broadly and reply with :

Thank  you so much!  For Jesus said, when we are mocked to rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is my reward in the Father’s Kingdom!” 

Yes,  I have said that countless times, to many individuals, to which there is usually the sound of “crickets,” or a look of total confusion.  I have to confess, I am happy when they say I’m a Jesus nut.  And I love saying it for dramatic and literal purposes as well.

When we walk in His truth, and Light, we are embracing a lifestyle that inherently becomes part of our being.  We are thinking and walking in the Spirit, and demonstrating to others, the prolific joy of knowing Him.

Times change but Jesus doesn’t.  The one and only constant in our life, and in this world, is His Word, His truth, His love and His ways.  Which invariably and ultimately lead the way into eternal rewards, and bliss, as promised.

To realize the depths of His love, makes everything else in life seem superficial, and immaterial. Because to be clothed in His Gospel, and to Have His Word, and truth, as our arsenal… gives us the ability to cope. And get through anything life throws our way.  Yes, we all experience loss—some so horrific it takes one’s breathe away, and knocks us to the ground—but it’s much easier with the LORD on our side.  God didn’t say we wouldn’t go through hardships. In fact, it strengthens and hones us while promoting Spiritual growth.

What can you do today to bring Jesus into focus?   

Smile a little more.

Call someone today, you’ve been meaning to reach out to, but just haven’t had the time.

Drop off a plate of food to someone who lives alone, and can’t get out to the store.

Tell someone you “love them,” and mean it.

In other words…put on your JESUS, and Shine, Shine, Shine.

“LORD, may I be an example to those I encounter, speak with, or see along the way, may Your truth be front and center, in all I do, may Your light shine, from within to without, today and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”



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