DEAR GOD: The Great ‘I AM’~




But He saith unto them, 

It is I; 

be not afraid

John 6:20 (KJV)


The disciples in their peril at sea needed the great “I AM.” These two words alone should have removed all their fear. But instead they doubted and began to panic, as told in the Gospel of John.

After feeding the multitudes, Jesus told His disciples to head out for the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. And then Jesus went off to pray and to seek the Father, in a quiet and private setting.  Being alone to gather His thoughts, and commune with God, was a common practice during His ministry here on earth.  It was at there that He was able to speak His heart, directly to His Father’s heart.  It was there, He did according to His Father’s will, and it was there he was fully refreshed in the presence of the LORD.

Jesus, clearly had been praying for others, especially His disciples, and watched out for them always.  When He was done with prayer, and meditating, He joined them at sea. However,  the night was extremely black, and they evidently didn’t recognize their Savior.

Three hours after midnight, they were relentlessly straining with the oars against the hideous storm.  Jesus, was fully aware of their circumstances.  They didn’t realize it, but they were about to witness their Savior’s power, sympathy and love, as He quickly came to their aid.

He approached the distressed disciples, in an entirely unexpected way, by walking on the turbulent sea, as if it were stable as rock.

In fact, under the horrific conditions at sea, they thought He was an ominous apparition of some kind, and they were frightened.  Seeing this, He assured them by stating, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”   

I’m sure later  during their lifetime, the disciples remembered Jesus’ words,  and actions clearly…and that lesson was revived in their minds, allowing them to be comforted.

Just as we can to this very day.  We can be comforted by the “Great I Am” and His power and Words.  By His strength, fortitude, and omnipotence.  By His love, for every single one of us.

All things are possible with the Christ, to doubt, is seemingly a betrayal of our faith.  One must trust in God, and believe in His Word.  We should never wonder if He can intervene on our behalf, or wonder at the way it might be carried out.

Remember that God is the same today…as He has been since the beginning of time.  When we are battling storms, and hapless in circumstances that might be surrounding us, feeling threatened, or feel like we are drowning , just think of the “Great I Am” and hear His words of comfort.

He is still with us!

He will walk on water to get to us in any storm, no matter how big or small. He is there, right beside us.

Seek Him.

Love Him.

Revere him.

Trust Him.

He sees our tears, and wipes them away.

He knows what is going on in our life, and is aware of our battles both big and small.

He is our constant source of peace and our Light in the dark.


Today…if you are struggling; “Be of good cheer, Jesus Christ is near” we never have to fear!


“Thank You for guiding us and being our perpetual Light for all the storms in our life, and for loving us no matter what, in Jesus name, Amen.”



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