DEAR GOD: Anticipation & Rewards~





“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith”

 1 John 5:4 


As Christians, we strive to strengthen our faith, and endure all things, because of faith.  Seeking Him, daily in both His Word, and prayer, we are exhibiting, and inherently, solidifying our love, and trust in the LORD.

Together, in accordance to His Word, and fellowship with other believers, we encourage and support each other in our faith.

We invariably will experience trials, and personal discipline, in order to keep our eyes, heart, and mind focused on Christ Jesus.

Being embroiled in His Word, and promises, enables us to be secure in our journey as a Christian.

When we look to Jesus every day, what happens?  Well for one thing, our burdens are both easier and lighter.  And the weight of our sins fall away, thereby freeing us, as we express, and embrace His truth, light and powerful unconditional love.

Each day, as we look to Jesus, we are gaining deeper roots of Christianity, we are filled with joy, knowing He is with us now, and always.  Most important… He waits for us, on the other side, where He has prepared a place for us in His Father’s house.  Our house eventually…for eternity.

All of the pain, suffering, trials of tribulation, that we endure in our lifetime, will ultimately be worth it.  When we endure, all that we experience, as gaining wisdom, and Spiritual growth, it makes it beyond worthwhile.

We can be happy knowing, that when our journey here on earth is over…we will get to the “finish line.”

And Praise the LORD, at the end of the race, Jesus waits with open arms….Hallelujah!


“Dear LORD, thank You for Your promises, rewards, and love, may I run the good race and find favor in Your eyes, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”





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