DEAR GOD: Thank You For Toby, a Great Vet & Man~

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Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy: for thou renderest to every man according to his work.

Psalm 62:12 (KJV)



When you think about how to spend your time, are you satisfied with “your answer?”  Or are you hesitate to reveal, even within your own thoughts of “how your time is spent?”

Think about how your time, money and talent is utilized. Does it hold reflections of Christ? Or does it deflect from all that Christ represents?

As Christians, we all have a responsibility to a spiritual life that is a direct light from the light within.  That we are ambassadors of delivering the message of the cross, and performing tasks, duties and accepting our “calling” in life according to His plan and purpose foru our lives.

When we choose to follow Christ there is a “falling away” from the world and its sinful iniquities, we choose to adapt instead a lifestyle that promotes Christ.  We embrace His promises and all that Christ represents; kindness, compassion, selfless acts, prudence, patience, understanding, and altruistic moments.

We all know people that represent Christ. We all have lost loved ones, that come close to being all that Christ requires of us. Of course, we all fall short, because there is only “one perfect Being.”  But overall, we all know, and have known people who come close to perfect.

We too know and have known such individuals.   And  on January 2, 2021, my husband and I lost a very dear friend whose heart and soul defies description. The words could never do him justice. But, I’ll try.

Toby was kind, compassionate, devoted, a great loving family man, adored his children, and grandson, and loved animals. His calling? He was a Veterinarian and one of the all time greatest!

His measure of compassion was outside the parameters of “compassion” and his love for animals was abundantly blatant as evidenced by so many hours of “free clinic” spaying and neutering in his spare time.  Gave of himself to “rescue foundations” and helped those who didn’t have the finances to pay.  He would go to homes for some of his patients to help them say goodbye to their pets.  And many animals would be dropped at his place, anonymously, where he would take them in, fix and mend their broken bones, or injuries. Nurse them back to health and either find homes for them, or wind up keeping them himself. The same went for “lost animals” who would show up on his door.

He was brilliant, had a keen sense of humor, believed in God, and always offered a smile, and hug, when we would see him. There were times I would text him in the middle of the night, for help with our dog…and he’d answer immediately, and offer help, with his deep soothing voice, to calm me down. And his advice, and knowledge was always correct.  He was first our friend, and  of course our Vet for nearly 20 years. My husband and he would go to ball games together, and do what became known as a “summer time tour” of the old neighborhood.  Toby enjoyed it and loved life and sports.

Sadly, August 2020, he was diagnosed with Cancer. He began a long battle, and courageous fight on September 11, with chemo and radiation. He was fighting, and wanted to live, for his family, for his patients. Never about himself, but always others.  He got through the treatments, and the tumor shrunk. He was slated for the final plan of his treatment on January 14, an operation.  He told us he had a 60 percent chance of remission after the procedure. So we were all hopeful.

He finally started to feel “better.”  He stopped by his clinic early January 2, to see his staff, and the other Vets who work for him.  We spoke with him, and he gave advice about our current pet, Mickey at 10 am.   That same day, he went home, hopeful about his operation finally feeling at peace, when the LORD took him home.  The doctors believe it was due to a dislodged blood clot.

We are devastated, as is the entire community he serviced for over 30 years.  But one thing is certain, he ran the good race, he provided his all, he never was unkind to a single soul, and was a constant beam of light, whenever he walked into any given room. He was the kind of man, people normally gravitated towards. But yet, he was humble, quiet, generous and serene…and so modest in all that he did.

Toby, we know you are in peace, and sitting at the Lamb’s table for supper. We know you were welcomed into heaven,  January 2 and we know God hugged you, then rewarded you with your crown.

We will never say “goodbye,” but rather we will opt to say “adieu,” until we meet again. But for now, I’m sure you’re making everyone smile in heaven, as you’re reunited with so many loved ones, and friends, who are enjoying your company, and catching up about old times.

Toby, there will never be another Vet like you, and we truly will miss your smile, your friendship, and your sense of humor. There is a void in our hearts that will never be filled. And it’s sad our pup will never know how great you really were…but we’ll tell him, don’t worry.

Earths’ loss is heavens’ gain, as they say, and so true in Toby’s case.

I’m sure all of the pets you’ve taken care throughout the years,  must be so happy to see you again!  I’m sure they all flocked around you, including all of your beloved pets you’ve owned, and saved. Please, say hello to our fur baby Max, whom I’m sure is wagging his tail like crazy, as he always did when he saw you.

We love you Toby.

And may I just add, “Great Job Toby!  Great Job!”


“Thank You LORD, for Toby’s life, and for bringing him into our lives, and so many others. He was a blessing to many, and always will be in our hearts, we thank You Father for the moments and seasons of those who pass our way, and touch our hearts, thank You for Your promises and inherent rewards, in Jesus name, Amen.”



1 Corinthians 9:24

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.



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