DEAR GOD: Walking in Your Will~











And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the LORD, and not unto men; knowing that of the LORD ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the LORD Christ. Be he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.  Colossians 3:23-25 (KJV)


We can’t change our past, but we can change the direction of the future, when we’re walking in His will.  Stepping outside the will of God can bring about inescapable consequences as a direct result of living outside the parameters of the “will of God.”

Surrendering to the LORD, and listening to His will and voice, will no doubt, bring about greater rewards, than we could ever imagine were at all possible.

Listening to God, and not “the will of others” or more to the point, individuals, who purport what we “should and should not do,” is not adhering to the purpose, and will of God, for our lives.

Not to say, it isn’t good to “fellowship” with others, sharpening irons together, as we encourage each other in the Word, that is a good thing.  However to “listen to men/women, in place of God’s voice, and purpose, that is not walking in the will of the LORD.  And to do so, will inherently maneuver us in the opposite direction of God’s way, or purpose.

There is always a price to pay, when we step outside of the “will of God”—that is a guarantee.

So many stories in the Bible, can point to the consequences of actions, when we walk outside the will of God; “Adam and Eve;  King David with Bathsheba; and Jonah.  These are a mere few examples,  there are so many others. These individuals carved out a totally different scenario, by not listening to God and His will.

Listening to the LORD, no matter how you might want to go in another direction, thinking it “doesn’t feel right” — stop, and take a deep breath, and trust God, with all your might. (Proverbs 3:5-8) And just be still, know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10)

Being disobedient to God, ultimately has repercussions, and can bring us into choppy seas, without a “Master” at the helm. It would be foolish to do so.  And yet, many do just that. Trying to chart waters by our own devices, without listening to “His Will,” could invariably result in a treacherous outcome.

Holding on, when the times get troublesome, can be challenging at best, but knowing what His will is for our lives, is what makes it manageable…and encouraging.  Why? Because God will never leave us, nor deny us His guidance and help.  Why? Because He loves us!

Shhh.  Do you “hear Him?”  Are you listening to His will and purpose for your life?  Tune in to the LORD, and His will, and watch how He could turn your life around in ways that will astound, and amaze you.

Why? Because He is our AMAZING GOD!

“Father God, thank You for Your will for my life, and Your instructions, may I always follow Your voice, and obey Your will all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”




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