DEAR GOD: Your Grace & Power Will Save Us~




Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. 

Micah 7:7 (KJV)


In Micah, Chapter 7, the society in Israel were inherently corrupt. There were individuals that turned their back on God, and facing dark times as the results of their actions.  However, despite the blatant flaws, and sinning that was taking place, God, was still present. In fact, He still promised to lead them out of the dark, and into His precious Light.

Micah, was filled with an abundance of unwavering faith, and his heart was afflicted with pain, due to the circumstances affecting the people.  He waited upon the LORD, and knew that God would not only hear his heart wrenching prayers, but would honor him by saving him too.

This promise of the LORD isn’t just for Micah, its for ALL of us as well, right now…here…and in present day times.  Just as Micah fully realized that God was going to hear, and acknowledge his pleas and prayers, and save him at the right time, so too will He do the same for us!

Even though so many of us are facing hard times. Especially arduous and fundamentally dark times, with the pandemic and civil unrest in the world, can makes us feel frustrated, helpless, and lackluster.  But in the overall equation, and scheme of things, God is in the midst, ever present…and always with us.

This season we’re correctly embroiled in, should be a time of strength and restoration, through God and His promises.  And this, my dear brothers and sisters,  is when Christians should “rally” and be of good cheer. As God orders us in Joshua 1:9 “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest” 

Although our “season” right now, might be far from perfect,  perhaps we’re facing a personal challenge, illness, or a horrific tragedy, we need to stay focused on God, as only He can pull us through our trials and tribulations. He is our anchor in the stormy seas of life. The steadfast omnipotent and overwhelming calming presence of peace.

God sees, and hears us. He feels, and knows our pain. But, just as He delivered Micah, and the people, and saved them. So too, shall He save us, when we lift up our hearts, and countenance, and look to Him, for our saving and divine grace.

Look to the ONE who can and will save. Amen!


“Dear LORD, I know that You are with me always, and that You see all, know all, and hear all, and it is because of this, I am filled with confidence, joy and acceptance of Your will and purpose for my life, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”


  1. Pam Ford Davis says:

    Joshua 1:9 “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest”

    Yes, yes LORD

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