DEAR GOD: My Mind is Set Upon You~




Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. 

Colossians 3:3 (KJV)


My peace is when I set my mind on things “above,” and not on things here on earth.  Peace is distributed quickly, when I think and meditate on Jesus, and His promises.  That is single-handedly the best balm, for my heart, and soul.  It settles my spirit, and brings me joy, and catapults me from the “noise and nastiness” of the world, and all its ugliness.

When the ugly face of evil, swirls about in media, news, and on the streets of the world, I run to the light…and goodness…and that only comes from our precious and Sovereign LORD.

The LORD is the basic font of security, in the insanity of the world.  The tenets of Christianity, brings about normalcy, within a matter of minutes, and quells the shaking substance of the foundation, to bring refuge and safety.

The harsh cold reality of what’s happening in our world today, is tempered rapidly, by the warmth of His love, and His grace.

His love is the bridge, that holds me up, and gently suspends me, while the raging river angrily swirls under my feet. His Presence is with me, as I stand on the precipice of disaster, which is seemingly all around me, threatening to engulf me, into a spiral of darkness. But because of my faith, and His love…I am showered with light and tranquility.

He is my buckler, in these days of woe, and uncertainty.  He is the life, truth and light that circumvents chaos, and offers peace in its place.

If not for Jesus, and His love, I could never exist in the way the world is today.  The pandemic, along with civil unrest, and election day looming large…is enough for any able bodied individuals to withstand.

But, with God it is so much easier.

Keeping our minds set on things of above, and on Christ…we are able to pull through adversity, and with aplomb…thanks to Jesus!

Do you have your mind set on things above?

Talk with Him.  Open His Book.

It could mean the difference between a calm spirit, verses a anxious flesh body that never rests!



“Father God, I look to You and Your Kingdom, and set my mind on You and things above, thank You for Reigning victorious over the world, and for being my Author of salvation and my peace, in Jesus name, Amen.”



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