DEAR GOD: Tides of Life~



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You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.

Psalm 89:9


It’s been said, that there are only two things in life that are certain, taxes and death, or something like that.

But I beg to differ.  I personally feel, there are only two things in life that I’m certain of.  God, who is forever. And “Life” which is forever.

I believe in Christ, the Son of God, and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior since I was a child. Henceforth, I’m guaranteed by the LORD’s very own words, after my life is over here on earth, that I will be awarded Eternal Life!

During the tides of life, we will experience ups and downs. And like the tide, constantly moving. There is nothing stagnant about tides.  And that’s a good thing, because life can become incredibly boring, if it were to stay the same forever.

The changes that invariably emerge, are at times welcoming, and overwhelmingly happy.  Ostensibly, there are times, when it is not something we want to experience. It can be unexpected, and bring about a total transformation in life, and our routine might become lost in the abyss.

But with God, that is with us at all times, the changing Tides can be the difference of “drowning,” or “hopping into a lifeboat.”

With God, we can navigate the waters with an inevitable sense of ease that feeds our souls with peace, despite the raging tides all around us.

God, wants us to keep His promises in mind, (Isaiah 43:26) so that we can be justified and strengthened.  He can bring us through whatever it is we’re going through.

He also wants us to know, that He will never bring us into a situation that we can’t handle. Or what we’re going through, isn’t uncommon to others who have experienced it as well. (2 Corinthians 10:13)

The importance of His Word, and trusting in Him for the tides of life, is conducive to healing our spirits and setting our souls afloat in the raging seas.

How are you coping with the tides of life? 



“Father God,  thank You for the peace and promises that Your word brings, and thank You for the changing tides in life,  from one day to the next. Your love and Spirit define my paths and eternity, in Jesus name, Amen.”


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