DEAR GOD: Adversity is God’s Bridge to His Heart~

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It has been said that adversity often times, is God’s bridge to His heart. (Charles Stanley)  So have no fear, God commands us to have courage…

And that quote is quite often expressed by many, myself included. Especially when emerging from the throes of a deep dark and treacherous valley.  When we eclipse the darkness as His light and brilliance takes hold, and lifts us out of the depths of catastrophic events, we quite often see the rainbow soon thereafter.

There may be times when it doesn’t happen so quickly, but somewhere down the line, we will eventually see why we experienced what we did, and we will galvanize new grounds of spirituality because of it.  Because of “God’s grace” and His glory that brought us through it, and His unmerited grace that rewards us for it afterwards.

We can’t experience growth without growing pains. Anything that is of worth will invariably cause sacrifices along the way.

It’s sort of like a see saw.  We can’t go up without first being down. And we can’t ride a see saw without another person on the other end, now can we?

God is at the other end of “our spiritual see-saw” so to speak.  He brings us up, when we are down.

Spirituality is about “balances and rewards” and growth in all we endeavor during our life here on earth.

The joy overtakes the sorrow.  Our roots multiply and become securely anchored with each transition, which overwhelmingly allows us to become grafted more and more unto the LORD and His presence.

Embrace each moment of your life. Good and bad…there are reasons for both. God knows why. God knows how. God knows when. And God doles out the love through each second of which we breathe.

I don’t know where any of you are at this moment in time, as you read this post. Some may be in a valley, filled with despair.  Some may be emerging from the valley. And some may be in the midst of a good plentiful tide.  Take heart through it all, no matter where you are, and remember…God is with us each day, every moment and beyond.

His heart is waiting for us as we cross the bridge of adversity, His heart is waiting for us as we emerge from a valley. And His heart is waiting for during the plentiful tides of life.  In other words…He is with us for all the seasons and seconds of our life.

Remember God “commands us” to have no fear, to be strong and courageous.  Joshua 1:9 tells us so…straight from the Lord’s Word.  Believe it…hold it in your heart…and most important…run over that bridge right to the Father’s heart. Amen!


“Father God, how grateful we are to have such a merciful and loving Father, who will never leave us no matter what crossroads we encounter, all the days of our lives, we thank You and lift You high above all the rest, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”



    • C D SWANSON says:

      I’ve never read any of Charles Stanley’s books. But I have watched him many times…he always give a good word and message.

      Thanks Pam!


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