DEAR GOD: Early Morning With Thoughts of You~


Psalm 5:3

In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.


It’s three in the morning. It’s silent in the house. Not a creature was stirring, and my neighbor’s cat just found a mouse!   Looking out into the night sky, I take a great big sigh.  The world is in a mess,  I don’t recognize the world, I must confess.  But…with God in my heart, and His Spirit inside me, I’m able to stay confident, because with Him I’m free!

I woke up at three in the morning and everything I said above is true.  Well the part about the neighbor’s cat I’m not sure. However,  I do know Lu-Lu does find small field mice nightly, as told by my elderly neighbor. “Lu-Lu goes into the woods to retrieve her treasures” Mrs. Johnson regales. So last night might have been one of Lu-Lu’s treasured nights!

Thoughts concerning the world,  civil unrest, along with the current, and interminably long, lingering Pandemic, can intrude into the fibers of our very being.

How can this happen? It’s because of daily exposure to disturbing events, that parade before our very eyes. Some might become desensitized due to incessant views. While some may progressively get worse, in terms of anxiety, or projections as they think,  “what’s going to happen to our future?”

How do we deal with anxious thoughts?

I can only tell you what I do.  I RUN TO GOD!

In the middle of the morning hours, I chose to pray and ask for His presence, and praised Him for His glory.  As I prayed, and worshipped my LORD, a sense of ease and fulfillment, washed over me within minutes.  My essence was overflowing with His essence, and presence.  His Spirit was with me, as evidenced by the  transition of uneasiness, to tranquility, which resonated in every fiber of my being.

When we press closer to Him.  He in turn presses closer to us.

When we praise Him and turn our thoughts exclusively to Him, we no longer have the “unwanted images and events” of what we may have witnessed on the news, or social media. It’s washed away with His love, His tender promises, and His blood.  The Blood of Christ.

There is a hymn “Are you washed in the Blood of Christ” Elisha Hoffman 1878 (I’ve pasted it down below)  that expresses beautifully, the message in which I seek to convey today. It’s a good hymn for today’s times especially. Powerfully soothing and encouraging.

When we are washed in His blood, we can withstand all things…through Him...only by Himand in Him.  Not by our own power, but by His power.

Take heart, as His heart is with you.

Be free, as His blood allows you to do so.

And most important, stand in His promises, because no matter what it looks like around you, He defeated the World, and all things are possible with God.

He will never leave us, ever.

That’s a promise you can hold on to forever!


“Father, thank You for silencing any qualms that arise within, Your presence and promises assure me that I’m protected and loved, twenty-four hours a day, I pray for Your light to chase the darkness from the world, and for Your love to stomp out the hate, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.”


Proverbs 8:17

I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.

Psalm 63:1

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.




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