DEAR GOD: Follow the Light~


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Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. 

John 8:12 (KJV)



The world can be a really “dark” place the majority of times. But when we follow Jesus, we will not be engulfed in darkness, instead the Light will illuminate.  The Light will shine brilliantly, and the Light will lead, guide and provide. The Light is all we need in order to navigate the “stormy seas” or abysmal distress, that is seemingly all around us these days. The pandemic being one of so many things happening in our lives today. But the LIGHT is ever present, and ever available to us, and for us.

The LIGHT is our guide

The LIGHT is our hope

Warmth and Comfort… inherently is…Jesus’ Light.

A true follower, doesn’t shut their ears, eyes, or feelings.  But we connect to the Light, and follow Him in all we do.  When we serve Him, the Father will honor them. (John 12:26)

We all have the capacity, and ability to serve Him.  We may have different gifts, or styles…but we can all irrefutably share the truth, and shine our Light from within to those in darkness. To those who don’t know Him or the truth.

Those who follow Jesus can discern, and understand what is happening. We can be empathetic, and caring, and offer peace and encouragement to those who are sinking in gloom, or despair.

With Jesus in our life,  we can make a huge difference. We can help those around us, who may be closed and sealed into a “tomb of darkness” — who are suffering, because they don’t know the “truth.”  Or don’t know Jesus at all.

Dark times ahead? Do you see the Light?

May I encourage you to follow the Light. Follow the Light and witness the shadows, as well as the darkness dissipate.

Have you met the Light of the World?

Open Your hearts, and Bible, and get acquainted with the One and Only forever and Always, Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And say hello to peace here on earth, and eventually eternal bliss. Amen!


“Father God, I choose to follow Your Light, and I thank You for shining Your Light on the world to those who wish to see, hear and understand just how great You really are, I praise You now and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”


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