DEAR GOD: Always in Control~



It’s getting to the point where I avoid the news at all costs. I don’t wish to see the “sensationalism” that seems to be a large part of what is being reported.  There are very few—if any—feel good stories that come forward. Once in a while there is a “feel good human interest story” — but again, very rarely.

As a retired Administrator in the Nursing Home industry my heart is filled with concern for those who reside in these places. For one, it’s a transition to give up all of their independence, and another to seemingly feel as if they have “no control” over any aspect of their lives any longer. Thankfully, there are many individuals/workers who make sure they remain “independent” as states in the “Resident Rights bill.”  But the feeling of helplessness, not being in control of ones life, can be an extremely unsettling feeling. I know…from speaking with them, holding their hands, and wiping away their tears.

But, helplessness, is not just reserved for the elderly. Sure, they become more vulnerable as they age. But people of all ages can experience “a loss of independence” in terms of their lives.

This is when we turn to the LORD for He is the One truly in control of everyone’s circumstances. He is the Rock in which we stand upon, and He is the One we look to for help, peace, and love.

Depression is on the rise, domestic abuse is doubling, people are seeking mental health therapists in exponential heights in which are truly staggering. This has become prevalent with the pandemic, and the unrest throughout the world. Some places more than others. Which leads us to “Is this a sign of the times?”

Is this in fact what Jesus was speaking about when He warns us, ” And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers place. All these are the beginning of sorrows…” (Matthew 24: 6-8 KJV)

We are experiences many sorrows these days, and Jesus foretells and forewarns repeatedly in all four gospels, and John tells of it in the book of Revelation.  My soul is at peace and I am looking up for all the answers, and I am relieved to know God is in control, today, tomorrow and always.  I read the entire Bible, and I know that Jesus defeated death and He is the Author of Peace. Best of all…He defeated darkness  and death, because in Him there is no darkness at all, but LIGHT and more LIGHT.

We are His sheep and He is the Shepherd, graze peacefully in His pasture as He leads you beside the “still waters” (Psalm 23) and know that no matter what is happening around us, that He is in control. His promises are intact and His love is never ending.

Next time you feel “helpless” or wonder “what’s happening” — pick up the Bible and rest in His word and His love.  He is in control.

Isn’t that a relief?

“Father God, thank You for the green pastures and the still water, thank You for Your love and protection during turbulence and during good times, I trust in You with all of my heart and soul, and look to You for all things, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”





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