DEAR GOD: On the Straight & Narrow~





Matthew 7:14-15 14 (KJV)

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.



The narrow gate that Jesus speaks of, can also be called the “narrow door.” (Matthew 7:13)   The narrow gate,  Jesus explains, (Luke 13:23)  is what you should be walking upon, instead of the”broad road” which can lead to our destruction/hell. Sadly, many individuals are currently on that road.

That wide and frequently used path, leads to destruction.

Jesus, refers to that wide path, as the one most will take.

As followers of the LORD, we’re called to be faithful. We are  to pay heed of commandments, while being mindfully aware of what we engage in, (narrow or wide path) so as to observe the way of life, befitting a Christian.

Observing a narrow path in reality, is rather simple to grasp the meaning thereof.

Walking a narrow path will only accommodate a small amount of individuals. Only one, or two, can walk through it at any given time. Think about a narrow road, with people coming from two directions. Often times, one group will have to stand to the side, to allow others to walk by, because there isn’t enough room to oblige everyone at once.

So, spiritually speaking, Christians, will observe and adhere to the enormous challenges that pass our way.  Living in this world, one only has to turn on the news of how true that statement is in terms of hardship and challenges. There are constant reminders of strife, stress, adversity, and persecution that can swallow us whole, if we slip off that narrow path, or narrow gate. Meaning, “slipping away from the principles and practices” of our faith. Or to the point…slipping away from Jesus.

Holding firm to beliefs, and walking with a contrite heart through each storm is our platitude of peace through faith.  Ostensibly, that is what separates those of faith, from those who don’t believe. Unwavering love and trust in the LORD.

Knowing God is with us, through it all, while holding on to Christian values, is when we get to really see the difference between the “sheep” versus the “goats. (Matthew 25:31-46)

Are you a sheep?

Are you a goat?

What path are you walking upon?


“Father, may I consciously follow the narrow path, while proclaiming Your glory in all I do, may Your light continuously shine as a reminder of Your promises and love, You are my Shepherd, I am Your sheep,  I choose Your pastures to graze in forever more, in Jesus name, Amen.”






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