DEAR GOD: You Direct my Steps~


O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps 

Jeremiah 10:23 (NKJV)



Recognizing God’s Sovereign power to heal us inside and out, is a vital component that is key to experiencing His mercy and love. Jeremiah, although filled with anguish, acknowledged that only God could comfort Him and guide His steps. “I would comfort myself in sorrow; my heart is faint in me…” Jeremiah 8:18 NKJV

King David, centuries prior, cried and wept  also. He looked for peace, and comfort but found none, as he ran from Saul and later his own son Absalom. Until in Psalm 69 when he said “And you who seek God, your hearts shall live. For the LORD hears the poor, and does not despise His prisoners. (Psalm 69:32,33 NKJV)

I personally look to God for comfort. I rely on Him, for all of my decisions in life, direction and goals. Without Him, I’d be a virtual mess, probably wallowing in a puddle of indecision and stagnation of soul.

There is no life free from pain, or troubles.  As we experience “Life” there will invariably, be tough times, and blocks of shadow, and gloom.  But the sun eventually comes through, and the light always returns. In fact, it’s always there, peeking in around the edge of a dark cloud. You just have to wait, be still,  be aware, and acknowledge God through it all. The rainbow is always right around the corner. (Psalm 46:10) 

Out of the suffocating pain, and harrowing times, we run to God. And with it comes a closer connection, and that far exceeds, the heights prior to the troubles.  This brings about a resounding affirmation that we see we need Him.

It is His Word, and promises, that we will hear as we bounce back stronger, than  before we entered into our crises. It is about that time,  we feel His love deeper, and more significantly than before. Each time we walk the path in which He directs our steps, We are able to withstand whatever it is before us.  Eventually we realize it will be “behind us.” Amen.

God, created us to depend on Him, in all aspects of our life. We need His guidance, and counsel. When we commit our lives to Him, it’s not solely for our salvation, but it is what we need to be savvy, and spiritually strong, in all the moments of our life here on earth, and beyond.

God is not dead.

No. In fact He is the God of the living.  “He is not the God of the dead, but the god of the living. You are therefore greatly mistaken…” Mark 12:27 (NKJV)  

Jeremiah, and King David are dead to us, as we know they’ve passed on, thousands of years before us. However, they are very much alive in the presence of God, where we all will be one day as well. Yet while they were here, both of them followed the path, and steps, that were ordered by God.

We too are closely monitored, and yet we are free in all manner of choice. That is to say. Do we walk the path in which God leads us? Or do we walk the path in which our own mind leads us?

Do you choose God and His declaration of promises through His Holy Word? 

Have you acquired the spiritual desire and fortitude of righteousness that lives in us through Christ our Lord and Savior?

One day, our time here will be done. Our mission in life will have been accomplished, hopefully according to the will of our Father above.

But for right here, and right now—the steps we take shouldn’t be taken for granted.

In fact, the steps we take could be the difference between “LIFE” versus “Existence.”

So the question becomes, “Are we merely existing? — Or are we Living LIFE?” 

When we live LIFE we are living within the realm of His Word and His will.


“Father God, thank You for guiding my path and steps, I look to You for all my decisions, You are the center of all I do and say, may I heed what the Spirit calls me to do, and recognize that the steps I take aren’t mine to call, rather Yours, according to Your will, and purpose for my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”







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