DEAR GOD: Tuning In While Tuning Out~






While we look not at the things which are seen,

but at the things which are not seen:

for the things which are seen are temporal;

but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18 (KJV)





So things have been quite unexpected in terms of our everyday lives. Things seen have been quite challenging, and tedious in practice. By that, I am referring to the Pandemic, that came rushing into our lives so quickly and washed over the world so devastatingly.

However, there seems to be a light emerging on the precipice on which we have current footing.

There seems to be a slight change for the better, slowly developing, and with it…comes “hope” settling over our souls.

Tuning in to God and His Word, while tuning out the world, can be paradoxical in and of itself.

Why is that?

Seeing things from the earthly perspective, can be tantamount to living in peace at times.

What do I mean by that?

Well, as Christians we are called to follow Christ, and do things according to His Word, and commandments. We are to do things for our fellow humans…so of course that is “right here, while tuning in.”

When I say…”tune out” I mean to say…the world and all of its ugliness. The saturation of iniquity that descends upon us in forms of “media, perversion, murder, mayhem, and hatred” and a host of other non spiritual things that fall unto our path.  These are the ones that we “tune out” while tuning in to God.  And harnessing His Word, and Spirit, as our form of defense.

Well, looking at “our temporary stage of life” is quite different in fact, from our “permanent place of life.”

As stated so clearly in 2 Cor 4:18, “looking at things which are seen instead of what is not seen” can make all the difference in how we face a crisis, or devastation, in and around our life, family, friends and living overall.

Living here, and now, and doing what the LORD calls us to do, can be rewarding, and fulfilling, especially when it is the will of God.  But, although it can be immensely satisfying to our spirit…it doesn’t compare to the joy, and rewards, of the Eternity, that God promises us, when our time is up.

These past few months have been hard. As I’m sure it has been on many of you reading this right now. I’ve mentioned in previous posts,  that this horrific virus has affected people in my family circle.

My two nieces lost loved ones…father-in-law, and childhood friends.  My nieces’ husband lost his dad, and two weeks later, his best friend. Then my niece lost her best friend.  And we have had family, and friends, who have had it and thank God, fully recovered.  But, during this time, we realized that this too shall pass.

So too shall our life, be passed/changed from “temporary to permanent” when we find our place at the LORD’s table, and sup with Him, and live with Him, as promised. (Rev 4:21)

Looking at clouds of despair, can be a virtual opportunity to see beyond the darkness, while letting His light cascade through, knowing God is with us always, and will never leave us.

Because as stated in 4:17 2 CorFor our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory…”

Remember that, as we forge forward, with a steel determination, and eyes looking to the hills, knowing our help comes forth. (Psalm 121:1)

Do you see beyond the temporary curtains that hang in the balance? 

Can you see the permanent window dressing on the horizon? 

The difference?

Life here…and Life there. 

Do you want to sit down to supper with the Lamb of God in Eternity?  (Revelation 3:20)

Just some questions to mull over as we go through life together…


“Father, my God, help me to embrace the moments of my life, here and now, while embracing that my life on earth is only temporary, and my permanent place is that of which I shall spend my Eternity, I thank You for Your protection, and strength in all I do, I honor You in my heart, and give You all praise, and glory, now and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”



The Lord Jesus prophesied, “ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me ” (Revelation 3:20)



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