DEAR GOD: You Reign and Pray for Your Children~








 “Simon, Simon (Peter), listen! Satan has demanded permission to sift [all of] you like grain;  but I have prayed [especially] for you [Peter], that your faith [and confidence in Me] may not fail; and you, once you have turned back again [to Me], strengthen and support your brothers [in the faith].”

Luke 22:31-32 (AMP)


No matter how disconnected we might feel in this world, we are assured that we are “connected” to the LORD no matter what the circumstances.

He promised, He is with us always,  and will never leave us. (Matthew 28:20)

Jesus is at the right hand of the Father and always in control. (Mark 16:19)

Did you know that Jesus prays for us? Well, indeed He does. (Luke 22:31-32) 

He protects, and watches out for us, while His Spirit, leads, guides, and directs, all of our steps.

In Luke, He is stating that He is praying for us, and praying that we repent and turn toward Him, and be the light for others in His name. We are strong through Christ. (Philippians 4:13)  In Christ–we can do things that we couldn’t normally do, for it is through Him and Him alone, that allows us to cope in all kinds of strife. And, in all types of situations.

Without Christ there is no life.

And life without Christ is desolate and chaotic.

Knowing we’re being watched and protected by the Almighty One, and receiving His prayers over our life, is balm for our soul. It’s joy for our hearts, and eternal bliss for our “life.”

Stay strong.

Stay safe.

And stay under the wings of the powerful Sovereign Almighty God.

This pandemic shall pass.

Life for those affected by this horrific evil virulent invisible enemy, will go on.

Those who recovered will go on, thankful to be able to talk about it. Thankful to the LORD they were spared.

Those who lost beloved family, and friends, from Covid-19 will go on, with broken hearts, and treasured memories etched deeply within. (My niece lost her father-in-law and beloved childhood friend.And my sister an RN lost three co-workers and friends.)

Albeit, many people will have changed greatly from having been catapulted into this worldwide killer.  We have all been affected by it. All of us. And, life will go on.  Because that is what we do overall. We survive.

This shall pass and hopefully “fade away.”

All things change in life.  But, one thing is constant.  And, that is the LOVE of Christ.

Grass withers, flowers fade…but the Word of God will never change or pass away. (Isaiah 40:8)

His love and protection and His prayers over our life will continue for all the days of our life here on earth.

So…next time you pray, think of how much He loves you that He prays for you, right this moment from the right hand of our Father!

How comforting is that?

“Father, thank You for Your prayers, Your protection, and Your promises over my life, may I be ever mindful of Your compassion and grace, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”






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