DEAR GOD: Witnesses Forever~

“Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.”

Isaiah 43:10 (KJV)



Today, my husband and I were listening to a Christian broadcast on the radio, while driving to our destination. The sermon was quite impressive, and most particularly one part, when he was referring to us being “witnesses” for Christ. He said “we are not temporary witnesses for Christ, but permanent witnesses.”   Then he went on to explain it in a way that really touched my heart.

He said, “if we’re called to the court to be a witness, we take the stand and proceed with the business at hand.  But when that case is over with, and we step down from the witness seat, we are done, it’s over.  But, with Christ, we are called to be a witness for life!”

That is so true. Jesus calls us, commands us to “go and preach the Gospel to all the nations, and teach and speak the Word.” (Matt: 28:20)

It’s not a casual or one day deal. It’s a lifetime of being a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not incidental witnesses, but in fact, viable and life sustaining witnesses for the Word and the blood of Christ.

It’s neither casual nor deniable.

Instead, it’s infinite and undeniable.

Christianity, holds its branches of faith,  entrenched in the roots of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The many acts, works and proponents of being a living breathing fact loving Christian is evidenced by the life we lead. It’s apparent in what we say, or do. And, it’s indelibly etched in our hearts that live for the Lord first and foremost.

So, today think of yourself on the witness stand for Christ.  

What would you say?

What would you do?

And, when you step off the witness stand, are you done?

Or…when you step off the witness stand, will you continue for life?

The answer you give is the difference between life and death.


“Father God, help me to always be a witness for You and Your love, may I be a light to all I encounter, and may I give You all the glory and honor, now and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”







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