DEAR GOD: Saved & Thankful~




He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.

Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

Matthew 26:6 (KJV)





To My Dear Beautiful Lord, 

I am amazed by You, and Your infinite goodness.

I contemplate  on Your Word daily, and embrace You, and Your love.

Always in remembrance of Your sacrifice that set me free, and the price You  ultimately paid for my redemption. 

Your love is evident, especially during the annual celebration of Your miraculous resurrection! 

It is You I follow, and it is Your voice I hear.

No One can sustain me with overwhelming provisions, body, mind, heart and soul.

It is Your love that flows through me every day, and it is Your love that strengthens me to get through all the storms of my life.

It is Your love that grants me peace.

It is You and Your Spirit that lead, guide, and heal me.

It is Your very breath, that fills my essence with LIFE.

And it is You, that holds my life in Your hands.

I cannot imagine what You were feeling as they tortured You, spat at You, scourged You, and pulled Your arms from Your socket. 

But I know It was Your love that made You push on.

It is “finished,” You said…and so it was done according to scriptures.

Salvation for me!

Oh how You love me!

Me? I am not worthy…no one is.

Yet, You did it for me…for Your children.

Thank You for You are the Light in my life.

Thank You for the sanctuary of Your wings and shelter.

Thank You for never leaving me.

Thank You for always listening to me.

Thank You for being YOU!

I love You my Lord Jesus Christ.

To You, all glory and honor, forever and always.

Words or understanding escape my human mind, of which You endured for me.

The scope of realization, defies comprehension, because the magnitude is too deep for me to grasp without being swept away.  

Oh, Yes…I know what You’ve done.

I know what You’ve accomplished.

I know how You died and resurrected for me.

Still…it is too deep for me to grasp the enormity of what You’ve done for me, while in this human form.

 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I love You.

I can’t think of anything else to say.  

So I’ll wrap up by saying this: 

My heart overflows with love for You.

Sometimes, so much so, that I can hardly breathe, as tears escape streaming down my cheeks.

Three words, I love You.


Two words, Thank You!


I’m Yours forever more,








A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

John 13: 34-35


Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Matthew 28:20 (KJV)


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