This past Sunday I along with my husband and friends, were witness to an amazing and beautiful experience. After the Praise and Worship team departed, our Pastor walked up to the pulpit to begin his sermon. He barely spoke five minutes when all of the lights went out! It was “dark.”
There were no sounds of surprise, gasps or murmuring of any kind from the audience. In fact, the polar opposite occurred. There was a muted silence, as the Pastor kept up with his sermon. He spoke of the importance of being thankful for all things, no matter how big or small. He quoted from the gospel of Matthew, from the writings of 1John, and from the gospel of Luke and Genesis. It was “dark,” yet our dedicated Pastor never missed a beat.
The Pastor had all of this information stored in his brain, and his heart. He uploaded the word and was downloading it to his congregation. He didn’t falter and never stopped with his powerful sermon. He didn’t need to view what usually accompanies his sermon; a large movie screen with the passages quoted emblazoned upon it. No, he didn’t need that at all.
The brain has better algorithms for compressing certain types of information than our computers do. The approximate estimate of brain capacity range from 1 to 1000 terabytes…It would take 1,000 to 10,000 typical disk drives to store that much info!
The computer memory works in microscopic form; it remembers the color and location of each pixel in each frame. The human brain consists of about one billion neurons. These neurons connect and combine exponentially, increasing the brain’s memory storage capacity, which in computer language amounts to approximately a million gigabytes.
The brain’s exact storage capacity for memories is difficult to ascertain. For one thing, most do not know how to measure the size of any given memory. Second, certain memories would vary; some have more details and thus take up more space. Other memories will be forgotten and thus free up space. And ostensibly, some information is just not worth remembering in the first place, in which case our brains will ultimately delete it.
Only God could create such a fascinating and complex thing such as the brain. Pastor’s brain uploaded the Word of God, and downloaded it to the congregation with finesse, style and aplomb. But most especially, he did so with unrelenting faith, and love for God straight from his heart.
We all sat tingling from this truly astounding and riveting sermon, for we knew it was the Lord leading Him and showing him the way. And Pastor finished his sermon with words that left us all speechless and in awe of God.
“Thank you God for shining your light during my sermon. For even though the lights were out in our church; your light was shining in all its glory the entire time. Amen.”
We were in true “darkness” but the only thing illuminating in our church was the light of the Lord His Holy Spirit. It was clearly there, and we all felt it. I still do.
The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. Psalm 119:130 (KJV)