DEAR GOD: Chaos is Quieted by Your Peace~

For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;

Ephesians 2:13-14 (KJV)


People are murmuring, and finding it exceedingly difficult during this time of self-isolation, social distancing, and quarantine because of the virus around the world.  It can be upsetting for many.  For example, the elderly population, who are perhaps the most vulnerable, are  growing increasingly lonely, and anxious. They’re missing companionship, and/or visitors who were part of a routine they were accustomed to having as part of their routine. Chaos

Then there are children, who are suddenly experiencing a whole different world, unlike any they’ve ever known. They might see their parents fighting, due to the stress overload that can come during adversity.  The children miss their playmates, and adventures or outings. The parents miss their alone time, or freedom to do things while children are in school.  Chaos.

Then there are the front line workers. They are the “heroes” in this scenario. Helping those inflicted with this new virus that has descended upon us like a swarm of locusts.  There is a lack of masks, suits, beds, ventilators, hospital rooms.  Chaos

My dear friends in the LORD….we are all in this together.

Chaos is not from the LORD.

No, in fact, He is the opposite.

He is peace, tranquility, and love defined. Isaiah 9:6

This is fundamentally a difficult time for sure. But, it’s not too big for OUR GOD.   He promises to hear His children’s voices. He hears their cries from the holy hills of Heaven. Psalm 3:4 

If you’re able and willing. Perhaps the LORD might lead you to “help” someway at this time.  Maybe, bring a message to an “elderly individual” leaving it at the doorway, along with food.  That would lift their spirits enormously.  Offer to shop for them to keep them safe while this is going on.  PEACE

If you’re able and willing. Perhaps the LORD might lead you to help parents of young children. Being creative on a social platform, maybe with a song, a game they can play along with live.  A pod broadcast.  To free up the parents and entertain the children.  PEACE

If you’re able and willing. Perhaps the LORD might lead you to help with the front line workers.  Sending them a note of thanks. Posting online a huge letter of thanks, or speaking on a pod cast…or Facebook a thank you for all of your hard work.   PEACE

We will get through this… but only WITH GOD. 

No one can wipe out a virus like God can.

Only God, can give the wisdom to those administering medication and care, only God can stop the “waves of the virus in it’s tracks.”

Only God, can bring about a cure.

Only God, and His peace can stop Chaos in its tracks!

He is the Author of Salvation.

He is the Prince of Peace.

And, He is our Head Shepherd.

 Chaos or Peace? 

Open His Book and Trust in the One and Only!

“Father God, lead us through this terrific time of trial and tribulation, as we go forward, we know You are holding us up, and protecting us under your mighty wings of love, with You in our storm we know we will see the rainbow and tranquility in days to come, in Jesus name, Amen.”




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