DEAR GOD: Strength to Endure~

I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.

Philippians 4:13 (KJV)


Jesus Christ gives the strength to not only undergo and persevere the hard times or roads we travel in our life, but also adds to our “growth” during such times.

We weren’t made to merely muddle through the painful times; instead we’re meant to accomplish Spiritual gains, our roots in Christ begin to grow deeper still.

His blood is the investment of our lives!

And, our faith not only grows during adversity, it “blossoms” in the very face of our trials and tribulations.

With God, we are equipped with the “armor” we need to sustain us during these times, and with Christ,  we’re ever victorious in His name!

In times of chaos and darkness, there is an answer to our woes.  Jesus!

The Prince of peace.  The Light of the world.  Jesus!

Embrace the times spent with Him.

He offers us the balm for our souls.

He brings to the Light into our darkest moments.

He is the sealant of our open wounds.

And, he is the momentum in our stagnation!

In Christ, we will always see joyful times.  However, it’s during the trials, and how we handle them, that will ultimately set us apart as followers.  We, as followers, will invariably find victory, in any trial or situation. Amen!

Move towards the Light, seek the face of the One who loves us.

Seek His voice and guidance in the storms. 

Seek His Word in times of indecision and uncertainty.

Seek His Love for what ails you.


“Father God, thank You for never leaving me, during the storms of my life, You’re always holding me up, shining Your light, and during times of uncertainty, Your promises are my guarantee of truth, light and life, in Jesus name, Amen.”





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