DEAR GOD: Forgiveness is Thy Name~





 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

Ephesians 4:32-32 (KJV)


Harsh language that proceeds from the mouths of speakers, can most definitely corrupt minds and behavior, of those who hear them. In this sense, Christians should be keenly aware,  and “beware” of all such dialogue and encounters.

By being a Christian it is our inherent duty to seek the Kingdom and face of God, and the blessings of God to bring individuals to think seriously, and with the mind of Christ.  We are to encourage one another in so doing we are representatives of the body of Christ.

We are to forgive as well…as our Father forgives us. If we don’t forgive, how can the Father forgive us? Are we not hypocrites if we don’t do so?

The principles of Christianity, and the love in our hearts are an outward expression of Christ and His ways. We are to display humility along with courteous behavior in order to honor His Word and commandments.

In the current crisis that is happening in the world, with the Coronavirus, some people can lose sight of their Christian “clothes” whereby a totally different “clothing” may cover us. That is to say, we may become a hindrance to our faith if we allow “the world” to creep in. This can bring about a game changing outcome. When we are tested in such horrific measures, we might resort to behaviors and a mind-set that is totally out of character from which we are, or have been.

Look to God for strength and guidance. Stop and think of Jesus and how he’d handle it. Go to the Spirit from within to “solve and lead and direct” us during stressful hours and moments. It is only when we meditate on the Word, run to Him for the answers, and get on our knees in prayer that will allow us to endure, through the name of Jesus.

Remember brothers and sisters, God with us always. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He promised that and His promises never fade, or expire!

Do all things unto Christ and be strong and courageous for He is with us.

In the cloud of darkness…shines a Light of truth.

Look just beyond the horizon, and find His light shining through!


“Father God, may I always be an example of Christ in all that I say and do, thank You for the Comforter and guidance of the Spirit, Your light is what I seek this day and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”



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