DEAR GOD: In Jesus’ Name We Rise Up~




When we are seeking answers, where do we go?

When we are in need of help, to whom do we turn?

The answer, my brothers and sisters, should readily come to our lips—there is only One who can substantiate our provisions, through His Sovereign power and might, that of course, is the LORD!

Am I saying “don’t seek guidance and counsel with friends and family?”  No.

There are family and friends who can offer themselves as a “sounding board” or perhaps as a “vessel” of the LORD, bringing solutions to your inquiries.  However, be careful not to overlook the obvious. And that is, God has all the answers, solutions, directions, and providence for all of our needs. His Word, His promises, all right there in the good book. But most important, in the Comforter, the Holy Spirit that dwells within.

We can all “rise up” in the name of Jesus, no matter what’s happening within the confines of our home, neighborhood, or the world.  In His powerful name, we can all “rise up” and be strong through Christ.

Listen, how amazing the LORD is.

He promised us that His “promises” are truth and life and the way.

When Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life(John 14:6) it was one of the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus.  And one of many promises that stands forever.

“The flower will fade and the grass will wither, but the Word of the LORD stands forever. (Isaiah 40:8) 

The Words of the LORD are powerful, energizing, comforting, stimulating, exhirlarating, and potent and so much more. I could go on all day and list a number of Words to describe Him, and His loving ways, but most of you reading this right now, know Him, and what He’s capable of.

Acknowledging Him, and following Him, is an inherent gift from above. His grace, and love, and promises are from the Father of lights. It comes from above. Straight from His heart to ours! Amen.

Jesus name is power.

The song “There is power in the name of Jesus” is honest and foretelling, as witnessed by many in the past, and this very moment in time.

Miracles still happen. Miracles are going on all around us. The reason we don’t hear about many today? Well, that could be because so many have turned away from God, thereby pushing God out of the equation. Many thrust the LORD into the background, instead of the “foreground of our lives.”

The other could be because the non-secular media, and journalists, just don’t report on such things. It seems today they’re more centered on troubles, woe, misery and chaos, or lies.  And, we all know who the “father of lies is” and the “author of chaos is.”  Without giving that entity credit by mentioning by name, we know who it is.

Our LORD is the Author of Peace and Truth and Life!  

If you’re not experiencing life as it was meant to be experienced, ask yourself why? Might it be because you’re not acquainted with our LORD? Might it be because you’re not familiar with His Word?

May I invite you all right this moment to pick up His Holy Word and take a look at some of His promises. He promises to give us peace, and not as the world gives it…but in abundance!  He promises He is the Way!  He promises He is the Truth!  He promises us He is the LIFE!

Do you want to LIVE and not merely exist?

Do you want the Truth and not lies?

Do you want to know the way, instead of being lost?

If you’ve answered yes to one of more of the above…then pick up His Word and surrender to the One and Only.

Then “rise up in the name of Jesus” and LIVE!


“Father God, thank You for Your promises, truth and power through Your name, I choose You and surrender to You for direction, guidance, answers, and provisions in my life, all glory and honor belong to You, in Jesus name, Amen.”




  1. anonymous says:

    Yes! Lord Jesus, rise up and live!

    We need you now more than ever Lord Jesus, help us with this coronavirus, we need to pray for deliverance and forgiveness, Shine your light in this dark horrible disease that is all over the world now, take it away in Jesus name. All things are possible with You.
    Praise praise praise Jesus!

  2. Deb Ryan says:

    Jesus help us, Jesus help us.
    We need help now in this tough times, all over the world, we as Christians order this disease away in Your name Jesus.
    Help take away this virus.
    Please Lord, and always You get the glory, no matter what.
    Amen and amen and hallelujah

    • C D SWANSON says:

      Amen! Pray, pray, and pray some more.
      Only God can take this away, and grant the wisdom to the scientists and doctors to help pave the way.
      I sense miraculous things coming soon, God is in control at all times.

  3. Celia F says:

    Lord help us take away the pain and hurt in this world, in Jesus name.
    You said, that whatever we ask in Your name to the Father it will be done. Hear us cyring LORD, we need Jesus, now and always.

    • C D SWANSON says:

      Yes, ask the Father and His will be done!
      We have to all keep praying, it will be fine…in God we trust!

  4. Mary-lou says:

    Rise up in the name of Jesus!
    We all need to pray hard and long for Jesus to wipe away this coronavirus.
    Love and prayers to all of the world, we will be victorious in Jesus name. Amen

  5. Gina Constiglio says:

    This is truth about Jesus and His love and power, the message from the word is always refreshing.
    Thank you LORD for loving us. Amen

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