DEAR GOD: In Your Eyes I’m a Winner~



I was engrossed in a conversation last week, with an individual who considered herself a “loser,” and after repeating it several times, I stopped her from continuing.

She believes in God, but doesn’t necessarily know all of the aspects, or meaning of the Bible, but does believe in a higher power.  Going with that I asked her a question:

Do you believe God loves you?

First, she looked as if she were about to laugh, and paused momentarily.  Her eyes grew wide as she looked at me. I could almost see the “wheels” moving in her mind, as she seemingly mulled the question about in her head.  Her response was simple and to the point:

how can he love me?  I’m a loser.”

This is where it got a little contentious, on her part.  I’ll spare the conversation that ensued, but suffice it to say…at the end of our volley of words, she seemed ready to really want to learn and listen.

I explained that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to this world so we wouldn’t have to be separated from Him by sin. (John 3:16)

I explained that God loves all of His children equally, irrespective of our backgrounds, our looks, our possessions, our intelligence, or lack of. That we were all equal with God.  That God was not looking at us outwardly, but inwardly. ( 1 Samuel 16:7 )

I explained that God forgives us from past indiscretions and transgressions, and blots them each and everyone out if we go to Him with a repentant heart. (Isaiah 44:22)

God doesn’t hate the person…he “hates the sin” the very act of disobeying and comitting sin.

But, Jesus died on the cross for us and with defeating death, He redeemed us by His blood and offered us eternal salvation.

He took on ugly sin for us!  He drew His last breath and said, “It is finished.” (John 19:30)  His suffering was over, and  His mission that His Father had given Him, preaching the Gospel, working countless miracles, and obtaining eternal salvation was done, accomplished, fulfilled. The debt of sin was paid in full.

Now I ask you this question —

Does that sound like He only loves winners?”

To say that God doesn’t love us equally, and to say He categorizes us as either winners, or losers,  is akin to denying what Christ did on the cross for us!

In His eyes…we are all winners!

And, when we follow Him, worship Him and live by His doctrine, and obey and fulfill the purpose of our lives, according to His will…How can we be anything but winners?

The next time you look in the mirror, see yourself as a child of God, who loves you, beyond your scope of comprehension!

The next time you look in the mirror, see yourself as a child of God, who is capable of doing all things, through Jesus Christ!

The next time you look in the mirror, see yourself as a child of God, which overwhelmingly equates to one word, my beloved brothers and sisters, and that word is…”WINNER!”


“Father God, thank You for Your perfect love, may I always realize I am Your child, and I am a winner in all I do, only because of You, in Jesus name, Amen.”





Note: Oh–and just to let you know about the individual to which I opened my post about. You know, the one who considered herself a loser? Well,  she now considers herself a winner, and loves referring to herself as one since our  in-depth and informative conversation about God and His Word and His unconditional beyond imagination LOVE… Isn’t that great?



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