DEAR GOD: Your Word my Heart~








Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

(Psalm 119:105 KJV)

It has become glaringly apparent in these “end times” that stagnation in our Father’s Word is increasing. The Word is not being taught in the way it should be; most individuals are “flitting” from church to church, hungering for the Word.

Our Father’s words should be the foundation on which we set our feet upon-and one that elicits a productive barometer to base our lives and behave accordingly. His word is simplistic for those who have an “ear to hear,” and obscure and convoluted to those “who do not have the ear to hear” – or inclination to learn.

In many pulpits throughout the land, we’re seeing an increase of “prosperity preachers” and those who are sorely lacking in their roles as “Pastors.” Their role is to lead the flock-and to bring the lost sheep into the fold. To open the Book and teach by example, to bring forth a continuous wave of understanding, by solidifying the Word, passage by passage, verse by verse. Not two lines from the Bible, while the rest of the sermon is about what “Uncle Charley did on his boat” – or what “Aunt Nancy said at Sunday’s dinner.”

Ultimately, and for our great benefit, it is our own personal responsibility to study God’s Word. It’s the food all believers need and the church fills to capacity when the message becomes all about God and His Word. A church doesn’t need to worry about money when the Word is taught, God provides, and His light shines into our souls.

“Dear Lord, I pray that Your Word fills the hearts of Your Children, throughout the world, may Your Light shine and scatter the darkness into oblivion. Help us understand your Word as we each fulfill our responsibility to read, study, and grow in your Word, in Jesus name, Amen.”





  1. Larry E. Whittington says:

    Your devotional, His Word, was something I have felt for some time. How can we walk close to God when we don’t know how he feel about sin and even what is sin. Sin needs to be preached about but not in a condemning manner. It is God who is the judge but he wants us, his children, as well as the world to know the things he hates and that is sin. Do we show God any respect when we don’t hate the things God hates?

    I cut and polish rocks and also do some writing.

    • C D SWANSON says:

      Thank you Larry, I appreciate your commenting and your truthful approach about this subject.
      Good points and good questions.

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