DEAR GOD: Judge and Jury?


So when you a mere human pass judgement on them

and yet do the same things

do you think you will escape God’s judgement?

Romans 2:3


We have all been guilty of it one time or another, judging someone.

Some people have had a proclivity towards judging and dared defy the hours of the day by speaking “gossip” or maligning someone with an intensity to fulfill an empty existence?

Some may have done this before “coming to Jesus” and didn’t realize it was a sin to judge.

Some may have done this, even though they are of faith… not knowing it was a sin to judge, perhaps justifying it by finding excuses, “well I only say this because I feel bad for this person…”

Still others may indulge to “fit in” with the majority of the crowd wanting to be a part of the sorority so to speak.

Whatever the reason, whatever the excuse, remember Jesus’ words, “Judge not, lest ye be judged…

And, remember this too…whatever the reason, there is no reason. 

And whatever the excuse…there is no excuse.

This post may sound silly or “preachy” to some, but that’s okay…it if helps someone along the way, even one person…then I’m happy, and most important…I’ve made God my Master and King of kings happy, and that to me is the most important aspiration of my life. Making Him happy, that’s what I live for, and He is whom I live. For He is the One that gave me life and the One that promises Eternal life. Amen.

We are all brothers and sisters of Christ and all made by our Father’s incredible hands of design and power.  So, if someone is doing something a little bit off base from which you are accustomed, don’t sit in judgement, instead…bring out your spirituality of the Holy Spirit and empathize in ways you have never done before.  There are reasons for behavior, and reasons for actions, and repercussions for all these things, whether good or bad.

Someone is overweight and about to eat a piece of chocolate cake…don’t judge.

Someone is struggling with an addiction…don’t judge.

Someone is having anger issues…don’t judge.

Someone just got a divorce…don’t judge.

Someone doesn’t agree with a certain political party…don’t judge.

Someone just cheated on their spouse…although it makes us uncomfortable…don’t judge.

All of these scenarios and millions more…are for God to judge and God alone.

All we can do is “pray” and offer our help in the form in which Christ would want…by introducing Christ into their lives, if they are interested, or listen to their woes unconditionally as Jesus would want us to.

The rest is up to God, for He is the Creator of the Universe and He is the One who designed us all.

For those of you going through something at this time…may God’s comfort and love embrace you and bring you peace.

And may His  light shine away your darkness as only He can.

Next time you get an urge to “judge” pray for God to intercede in Jesus name…and say a prayer for the person (s) going through whatever it is they’re going through.





  1. Dannie says:

    You are so right on all counts! We are called to judge the action against what the Bible says we are to do, but it’s not up to us to judge the person. We are to love the sinner and pray for that sinner…recognizing we, too, are sinners saved by grace alone. This is a great post for the new year with words to live by.

    • C D SWANSON says:

      Hi Dannie!
      Thank you so much for you witness and confirmation…I appreciate it and you so very much.
      Love your site, great words and messages on there.
      God Bless~

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